From WFAA Dallas/Fort Worth:
“We are in my home,” Laura Lyday says with a smile. “My little bungalow is what I call it.”
Lyday’s "bungalow" is a small studio-style room in a converted hotel. She was homeless off and on for 11 years, often sleeping in a tent, and it’s only when she reflects on those nights that the smile fades and tears arrive.
“It’s hard not know where you’re going to sleep,” she said. “It’s hard not knowing how you’re going to eat every day.”
Lyday is at Casa De Esperanza, which is providing a home and hope to 119 chronically homeless people in Fort Worth.
“There is still a high level of poverty within our community and a lack of resources,” said Lanesha Davis, the vice president of housing operations for Fort Worth Housing Solutions.
Fort Worth Housing Solutions, the city’s housing authority, used federal CARES Act funds in 2020 to help set up the facility in just 90 days.
“This is the first time this has occurred in our area and I think almost even nationwide,” Davis said.
Read WFAA's article "Converted Fort Worth hotel provides hope and a model to end chronic homelessness, (link is external)" featuring Fort Worth Housing Solutions.