Chicago Housing Authority
By The numbers
Public Housing Units 20266
Vouchers 58526
Total Units 78792
Latest News
Innovations, Members Making News
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel cut the ribbon on the latest two redevelopment projects that co-locate Chicago public libraries within Chicago Housing Authority mixed-income housing complexes. These new library communities, one in the Little Italy neighborhood and one in Irving Park, will provide...
Members Making News
The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) held a job fair for dozens of college students living in CHA communities. Nineteen companies participated in the event.
Awards/Grants, Members Making News
On December 21, 2018 HUD announced nearly $29 million in grant awards under its Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency - Service Coordinators (ROSS-SC) Program. Eleven CLPHA members received ROSS-SC awards, totaling over $4.7 million.
The ROSS-SC Program provides funding for...
Members Making News
Architect magazine ran an in-depth feature on the Chicago Housing Authority’s Fannie Emanuel Apartments, a 180-unit apartment building for low-income seniors that reopened in 2017 after a top-to-bottom renovation. The article praises Fannie Emanuel Apartments, noting that...
Members Making News
Parties in the landmark Gautreaux v. Chicago Housing Authority federal lawsuit, which was filed more than fifty years ago to end systematic racial discrimination in Chicago’s public housing, today announced a proposed settlement in the case.
Members Making News
The Chicago Bee library branch in Bronzeville hasreopened after a renovation funded by theChicago Housing Authority. The project involved refinishing the building’s historic Art Deco exterior, adding early learning and media spaces, and providing new furniture and equipment.
Members Making News, Awards/Grants, Announcements
On November 21, HUD announced awards for the Family Unification Program (FUP), a partnership between PHAs and child welfare agencies that provides housing assistance to foster youth at risk of homelessness and families whose lack of housing is a reason for their child’s foster care...
Members Making News
The Chicago Plan Commission has greenlit plans for a $200 million development, proposed by developer The Habitat Company, the Chicago Housing Authority, and other partners, to transform a struggling neighborhood on Chicago’s West Side. The project’s first phase will redevelop 10...
Members Making News, Current Issues
The Chicago Housing Authority partnered with nonprofit Operation Warm for their 11th year of handing out winter coats to low-income children.
News, In The News
The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) broke ground on Oso Apartments, a 48-unit apartment complex in Chicago’s Albany Park. Financed with help from $10 million in CHA RAD funds, 100 percent of Oso Apartments’ units will be affordable rental housing for individuals and families.
Job Openings
Sorry, we have no job openings available at this time. Click the button below to view CLPHA's job board for career opportunities and RFPs in the public and affordable housing industry.