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The Trump Administration released the remainder of its fiscal year 2020 (FY18) budget on March 18. As noted last week, the proposal would completely eliminate all funding in FY20 for the Public Housing Capital Fund and slash funding for the Public Housing Operating Fund by almost $2 billion, a combined loss of $4.6 billion. The proposal additionally eliminates the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative...
Vancouver, WA newspaper The Columbian quoted CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman about the disastrous effect President Trump's budget proposal would have on pubic and affordable housing in their article "Trump’s budget would cut social safety nets:
Scotsman Guide, a resource for mortgage originators, quoted CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman about how President Donald Trump's proposed FY 2020 budget will affect affordable housing  in their article "2020 budget: How does it affect the mortgage industry?":
The disinvestment in housing and supportive services is a disinvestment in our nation’s most vulnerable populations. WASHINGTON (March 12, 2019) - Sunia Zaterman, Executive Director of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, issued the following statement today in response to President Trump’s FY 2020 Budget proposal, which would slash funding for the U.S Department of Housing...
The Trump Administration released its fiscal year 2020 (FY20) budget proposal today, with more specific numbers expected early next week. The current version includes a request for $44.1 billion in discretionary funding to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an $8.7 billion or 16.4 percent decrease from current funding levels.  
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