When: June 22-24, approximately 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET/10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. PT each day
Venue: Zoom -- we will email a Zoom link and password to registrants shortly before the meeting on the day of each session.
Fee: There is a flat registration fee $250 per person (excludes service fees). Registrants can attend as many sessions as they prefer upon paying this fee. Note: registrations CANNOT be shared by multiple individuals, each attendee must register and pay their own full registration fee.
Registration Deadline: Friday, June 18.
Payment Deadline (if paying by check): Friday, June 18.
Cancellation Deadline: Friday, June 18. Cancellations received after Friday, June 18 will not be refunded. No-shows to CLPHA's virtual summer meeting will not be refunded.
Questions: Email Kirsten Greenwell at kmackay@clpha.org.