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The Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County and partners cut the ribbon on The Lindley, a 200-unit high-rise in Chevy Chase, MD. The opening of The Lindley constitutes a net increase of 22 units of affordable housing in the neighborhood. You can watch a time-lapse...
We were pleased to see so many CLPHA member executive directors, staff, and IT professionals at CLPHA's Fall 2018 Membership Meeting and CIO Convening!
If you could not make it to Washington, D.C. or would like to review information from the meeting, we have set up a Dropbox folder including...
On August 16, HUD published a new notice, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: Streamlining and Enhancements (the “Streamlining Notice”), soliciting public comments on amendments to the Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH) regulations. HUD had previously published its final AFFH rule in 2015...
On October 12, HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing released a notice offering eligible PHAs the opportunity to apply for admission to the MTW program, as the first cohort under the expansion process. This notice follows two other MTW-related notices released for public comment...
As we follow the news of Hurricane Michael, our thoughts are with those in the storm’s path. CLPHA stands ready to work in support of low-income Americans impacted by the disaster and, as we have in the past, will advocate for HUD and FEMA programs such as DHAP and CDBG-DR that provide funds to...
A recent news article highlights how the Vancouver Housing Authority (VHA) is utilizing the MTW demonstration to encourage family self-sufficiency with its School Housing Stability Program, a rental assistance program that offers subsidized housing to families experiencing...
The San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) recently hosted a National Night Out in San Antonio’s West Side neighborhood for local residents, community leaders, and law enforcement officers, featuring musical performances, children’s activities, and refreshments. SAHA organizes the annual...
San Antonio’s Museo del Westside and the Westside Preservation Alliance have teamed up for a photo exhibition chronicling the history of the San Antonio Housing Authority’s (SAHA) Alazan-Apache Courts, a community created during President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. SAHA...
The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles and its development partners broke ground on Phase 1B of its massive Jordan Downs revitalization project. When completed, this phase will utilize RAD to create 135 affordable apartments at a cost of $73 million.
The Greenville Housing Authority (TGHA) is celebrating its 80th birthday, and the Greenville Journal interviewed TGHA Executive Director Ivory Mathews about the housing authority’s history, programs, and future goals.