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As part of Freddie Mac’s three-year Duty to Serve plan to help increase rental and homeownership opportunities in historically underserved markets and provide access to safe and affordable housing throughout the nation, the GSE’s Mutlifamily team will release eight reports this autumn that...
CLPHA Legislative Director Gerard Holder (right) speaks with Secretary Ben Carson at HUD's first Stakeholder HUDdle.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and Deputy Secretary Pam Patenaude addressed representatives from housing groups, including CLPHA,...
The bipartisan Congressional Public Housing Caucus, is still seeking new Members of the U.S. House of Representatives to join the Caucus.
CLPHA conceived and helped establish the Caucus and we remain strongly committed to building its membership. The goal of the Caucus is to connect Members...
Congress is due to return to Washington, D.C., on November 13, one week after the 2018 mid-term elections. In addition to Senate consideration of judicial and administration nominees, and the expected finalizing of FY2019 funding for departments and agencies currently operating under a continuing...
At the CLPHA Fall Meeting earlier this month, Bruce Katz, former Centennial Scholar at the Brookings Institution and founding Director of the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program,discussed how housing authorities, cities, and other stakeholders can seize the opportunity of the new Opportunity...
In response to persistent advocacy efforts by CLPHA and our industry colleagues, HUD announced last week that it will withdraw the new public housing funds Annual Contribution Contract (ACC) that became effective in May 2018. As CLPHA’s counsel Reno and Cavanaugh succinctly ...
The District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) and the Kevin Durant Charity Foundation unveiled newly-renovated basketball courtsat DCHA’s Potomac Gardens and Hopkins communities. The courts, freshly repainted, feature new hoops and nets for DCHA residents to enjoy.
CLPHA was proud to join the 7th Annual Conference on Housing Mobility with PRRAC and Mobility Works as a first-time co-sponsor and we were pleased to engage so many of our member public housing authorities (PHAs) in the meeting. As panelists, moderators, and active participants, our members...
The Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) and Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) were recognized for their work in addressing homelessness among community college students and other barriers to higher education in a recent article for Inside Higher Ed. THA’s College Housing Assistance Program began in...
The Municipal Housing Authority for the City of Yonkers (MHACY) has finished Phase I of its Schlobohm Houses renovation project. When completed, MHACY will have renovated 411 units across eight buildings at a cost of $300 million with considerable assistance from the RAD program.