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CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman spoke to YouthToday about U.S. Senator Patty Murray’s (D-WA) Affordable Housing for Educational Achievement Demonstration (AHEAD) Act, which would encourage public housing authorities and school districts to work together to address child and family...
On January 29, HUD hosted a webinar that provided updates on its recent activities to gather information and provide recommendations on improving landlord participation. Due to technical difficulties, the webinar was not available live, but slides and a recording from the webinar are now available...
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced last week that the new Public Charge rule will go into effect on February 24, 2020, except for in the State of Illinois. The agency also clarified that the new public charge testing criteria will only be used on applications postmarked or...
CLPHA is pleased to announce part of our education webinar series is now open to the general public! Please join CLPHA and the director of FAIL STATE on Tuesday, February 11, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET for a webinar and presentation on predatory for-profit institutions. Join other attendees to learn more...
CLPHA Hosting Call on PBV Data Collection On February 19, CLPHA will host a members-only call with its Place-Based Committee to discuss HUD’s recent notice proposing a new form that collects information on PBV units. Click here for call-in information. HUD Issues New Guidance on Requests for...
On Wednesday, February 25 at 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT, CLPHA will co-host a Mainstream Voucher webinar with CSH to explore promising and best practices PHAs employ to achieve success in leasing up and supporting residents long-term in partnership with disability service providers. Click here to register...
2.5.20 Members Making News
Article from the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority: Exciting and great things are happening at Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority. We recently closed on the financing to transform and preserve The Evanston through the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD). There are 100...
Article from the RAD Collaborative: Milestone Notched. HUD’s Recap Office recently announced another impressive milestone under RAD—the conversion of all 169 properties/14,462 units initially constructed under the 1970s-era Rental Assistance Program—details here. Unfortunately, RAP properties...
2.5.20 Members Making News
From the St. Thomas Source: The V.I. government and V.I. Housing Authority received a $69 million obligation from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to fund the demolition and replacement of residential buildings at the Tutu Hi-Rise housing community, according to Government House. The...
2.5.20 Members Making News
From Next City: At the beginning of the spring 2020 semester, the chancellor at the University of Washington Tacoma sent out an advisory to students: “If you or someone you know is dealing with housing issues that might interfere with the ability to succeed in school,” it said, “a new program...

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