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CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman is testifying before the New York State Assembly today in support of the New York City Housing Authority's innovate financing structure that creates a public trust to leverage federal funds for public housing recapitalization. Click the link below to read her...
Today, CLPHA and industry partners the Moving to Work (MTW) Collaborative, the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO), and the Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA) sent a joint letter to Congressional...
The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council and HUD are hosting a webinar series for local economic development leaders and stakeholders in communities with designated Opportunity Zones (OZs).
This webinar series will assist participants in developing their own action plan to support...
HUD PIH will host a webinar on December 10 on CARES Act Financial Data Schedule (FDS) Reporting. The webinar will build on HUD's two previous webinars on this subject, by providing reporting guidance on those topics for which HUD is still receiving FDS reporting questions from PHAs and industry...
CLPHA Board Member, MTW Collaborative Board President, and Seattle Housing Authority Executive Director Andrew Lofton recently announced his plans to retire on May 6, 2021.
“Every day of my 16-year tenure at SHA, I have been given the gift of working to help make the lives of others...
Below is a letter from HUD Office of Public & Indian Housing Assistant Secretary Hunter Kurtz to PHA executive directors on HUD's latest COVID waiver notice:
Thank you for your continued efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide affordable, safe housing to assisted families...
We’re pleased to share the following photos from the Virgin Islands Housing Authority highlighting the urban garden surrounding VIHA’s Lucinda Millin Home for seniors on St. Thomas, USVI. The garden is the work of 95-year-old VIHA resident Mr. Christopher ...
From the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority’s press release:
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority reported that it has acquired or developed more than $200 million in affordable housing in 2020, setting a record for the most activity in one year in the agency’s 86-year history. The...
When Harvard economist Raj Chetty and colleagues studied areas with high and low rates of mobility back in 2014, they were surprised to find that Charlotte ranked last among the 50 largest metropolitan areas when it came to the odds that low-income children in Charlotte would grow up to...