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2.9.22 Report
The Housing Crisis Research Collaborative (HCRC) published a report analyzing the purchases of multifamily and single-family rentals in Atlanta, Miami, and Tampa the year before and after the emergence of the pandemic. HCRC found that the pandemic housing crisis has resulted in incremental growth...
2.9.22 Report
Recently, the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Terwilliger Center for Housing conducted an applied policy research project to define a framework for improving resident and property stability post-pandemic, defined as “the ability of a renter household, regardless of means, to live in a safe, decent, and...
2.4.22 CLPHA Member Update
On January 24, HUD published a notice in the Federal Register increasing the amount of time that a youth may receive a Family Unification Program (FUP) or Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) voucher up to a maximum of 60 months. Implemented as provisions of the Fostering Stable Housing...
2.4.22 CLPHA Member Update
Recently, HUD published guidance alerting PHAs of their intention to enforce requirements instituted by Congress through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 that requires carbon monoxide (CO) alarms or detectors be installed in certain HUD-assisted housing by December 27,...
2.3.22 CLPHA Member Update
February 22 | 2:00 p.m. ET On February 22 at 2:00 p.m. ET, CLPHA will be holding our next Housing Is webinar on Evaluation and Metrics, Lessons Learned from Promise and Choice Neighborhoods. The Housing Is team will be joined by staff from the Department of Education and...
2.3.22 CLPHA Member Update
February 16 | 2:00 p.m. ET Join us for the second of a four-part webinar series co-hosted by CLPHA and the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading.   Webinar Description The Housing Authority of The City of San Buenaventura (HACSB) has built a strong and innovative collaborative with Ventura...
2.1.22 CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA Strongly Objected to HUD’s Interpretation of HOTMA HUD recently issued FAQ guidance notifying PHAs that HUD will not enforce the termination requirement of over-income (OI) public housing families who have been over income for two consecutive years, as required by section...
1.28.22 Members Making News, CLPHA Member Update
On January 27 HUD announced their selection of agencies for Cohort 3 of MTW expansion. Cohort 3 consists of mid and large-sized PHAs and will be charged with evaluating landlord incentives and their impact on participation in the Housing Choice Voucher program. CLPHA congratulates our...
1.28.22 Notice / Announcement, CLPHA Member Update
HUD recently announced $4 million in new funding is available for PHAs to conduct testing and as-needed mitigation of radon in the units that they manage and, where applicable, to support the development of a plan for future testing and mitigation. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...
At the first monthly CLPHA membership call of 2022, we preview priorities from HUD and updates on the legislative and appropriations process.  

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