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5.14.20 CLPHA Member Update, Analysis
On May 12, House Democrats, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, offered the next supplemental funding and authorizing legislation for economic relief due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic crisis. HR 6800, the “Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act” or the “HEROES Act” is a...
5.13.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
House Democrats introduced the HEROES Act yesterday, which is the next supplemental funding and authorizing legislation for economic relief due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic crisis. The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities thanks our members for providing their...
4.29.20 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
Today, CLPHA and our counsel Reno & Cavanaugh, PLLC sent a letter to HUD Secretary Ben Carson outlining our comments and concerns about HUD’s recent waiver notice. We also suggested amendments and asked for clarification on several key points of the...
4.13.20 CLPHA Advocacy, Action Alert
While housing authorities are grateful for the infusion of emergency resources under the CARES Act, it is not nearly enough to cover needs for the duration of this crisis. For this reason, CLPHA and other public housing industry groups asked members to sign on to a joint industry letter...
4.13.20 CLPHA Member Update
Wednesday, 4/15 at 1:00 p.m. ET Today, HUD released PIH Notice 2020-05, which outlines waivers the Department is making available to execute its blanket waiver authority granted through the CARES Act. CLPHA is pleased to see that many of the waivers...
4.10.20 CLPHA Member Update
Today, HUD released PIH Notice 2020-05, which outlines waivers the Department is making available to execute its blanket waiver authority granted through the CARES Act. CLPHA is pleased to see that many of the waivers that we urged HUD to make available in...
4.8.20 CLPHA Advocacy
CLPHA, Industry Groups, 777 Public Housing Authorities Implore Congress to Provide an Additional $8.5B in Emergency Supplemental Funding for PHAs Plus Longer-Term Preservation Resources for Public Housing in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic  On Wednesday, April 8, CLPHA and other...
3.31.20 CLPHA Advocacy
To facilitate sharing of information among CLPHA staff and members about various issues related to COVID-19, CLPHA has created a Google document. The document is accessible only to those with a link and is free to be viewed and edited by members. If you have questions about...
3.27.20 CLPHA Advocacy
On Thursday, March 26, CLPHA participated in a call with other industry groups and senior HUD staff, led by PIH Assistant Secretary Hunter Kurtz. During the call, HUD staff shared some updates of interest to CLPHA members: Forthcoming guidance. FAQ documents from REAC and the...
3.20.20 CLPHA Advocacy
On Thursday, March 19, CLPHA sent letters to Congressional leaders and U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson formally requesting $5 billion for the public housing program and $3.5 billion for the housing choice voucher program in emergency supplemental...

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