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3.29.21 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
Last week, CLPHA shared recommendations with PIH leadership on implementation of the emergency housing vouchers included in the American Rescue Plan  Act (ARPA) that President Biden signed on March 12, 2021. To ensure that low-income Americans can make use of these vouchers in the...
3.25.21 CLPHA Advocacy, Action Alert
Deadline: 5:00 PM ET Tomorrow, March 26     Urge your members of Congress to cosponsor H.R. 1904: The Broadband Justice Act of 2021.  The COVID-19 pandemic...
3.1.21 CLPHA Advocacy
Today, CLPHA, LeadingAge, the National Affordable Housing Management Association, the National Leased Housing Association, and the Public Housing Authorities Directors Association sent a letter to HUD, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the White House...
2.23.21 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
Following a February 12 call with members to receive feedback on what CARES Act waivers should be extended or made permanent, CLPHA has shared its recommendations with HUD. We urge HUD to extend all CARES Act waivers at a minimum through December 2021, and make the following waivers permanent:...
2.10.21 CLPHA Advocacy, Action Alert
Congressional Democrats are moving the next COVID-19 bill swiftly through Congress. CLPHA and other national public housing industry groups are asking our members to sign on to a joint industry letter to be sent to congressional...
1.19.21 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
Today, the Department of the Treasury posted a new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document that addresses several questions about the new $25 billion Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program. The FAQ also explicitly states in Question 9 that assisted households are...
1.12.21 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA has been asked to provide input to the Biden-Harris HUD and Treasury transition teams  regarding  the implementation of the $25 billion emergency rental assistance appropriation at a meeting convened by the Urban Institute, scheduled for January 13. In addition, CLPHA plans to send...

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