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8.3.20 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
Letter Calls on HUD Secretary Carson to Withdraw the Rule CLPHA and our counsel Reno & Cavanaugh today sent a letter to HUD Secretary Ben Carson expressing vehement opposition to HUD’s Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice Final Rule (the “New AFFH Rule”) ...
1.14.20 CLPHA Advocacy
Today, HUD’s proposed rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) was published in the Federal Register. The new rule comes after HUD sought comment on amendments to AFFH regulations through its Streamlining and Enhancements Notice in late 2018. In our comments on the 2018...
1.7.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
Today, HUD issued a press release to announce its new proposed rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). The rule, which has not yet been published in the Federal Register, comes after HUD suspended the PHA tool in early 2018 that was designed to help PHAs meet their obligation to...
9.27.19 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
On Tuesday, October 1 at 3:00 PM ET, CLPHA will host a call with members to solicit feedback on HUD’s recent notice of proposed rulemaking on changes to the disparate impact standard. Call details – Please RSVP here Tuesday, October 1, 3 PM ET Phone: 719-867-1571 Passcode: 836425# A detailed call...

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