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8.7.20 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-WA) introduced H.R. 3077, the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act in early June of 2019. In June 2020, Rep. DelBene spoke to CLPHA members at our virtual summer meeting about the bill. She...
8.4.20 CLPHA Member Update
August 6 | 2:00 p.m. ET HUD PIH will be hosting a conference call on Thursday, August 6 at 2:00 p.m. ET to discuss HUD’s second round of CARES Act supplemental Administrative Fees awards and the $400 million supplemental HAP notice.  PIH staff will also...
7.31.20 CLPHA Member Update
HUD issued PIH Notice 2020-17 and 2020-18 today, which outline the methodology and process for awarding supplemental HAP and administrative fees for the Housing Choice Voucher Program provided in the CARES Act. CLPHA communicated often with HUD that our...
7.29.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
The Next Coronavirus Economic Relief and Stimulus Proposal On Monday, July 27, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced the Republican plan for the next coronavirus relief package, the Heath, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools Act (“HEALS Act”). ...
7.24.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
Dear Majority Leader McConnell, Democratic Leader Schumer, Chairman Shelby, and Vice Chairman Leahy: On behalf of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA), I am writing to express our support and to urge Senate passage of the recent House-passed HR 6800, the Health and Economic...
7.20.20 CLPHA Member Update
On Thursday, July 16, HUD released an updated version of its PIH FAQs. This new version includes a number of updates and new questions. CLPHA will discuss the FAQ in further detail during CLPHA's COVID-19 call today.  The updated FAQ includes updates on...
7.6.20 CLPHA Member Update, Analysis
CLPHA will continue advocating for deadline extensions that recognize the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.    Late on Friday, July 3, HUD issued PIH 2020-13, a second notice on COVID-19 waivers that the...
6.30.20 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update, Analysis
On June 29, the House passed H.R 7301, the Emergency Housing Protections and Relief Act of 2020. This stand-alone bill includes several provisions that were included in the HEROES Act and independently led by a number of Members of the Financial Services Committee. ...
6.26.20 CLPHA Member Update
On June 24, shortly after making the announcement during CLPHA’s 2020 Virtual Summer Membership Meeting, U.S. Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, introduced HR 7301, the Emergency Housing Protections and Relief Act of 2020. ...
6.18.20 CLPHA Member Update
The Center on Budget & Policy Priorities' Get It Back Campaign is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, June 23 at 3:00 p.m. ET for stakeholders to explore tools and strategies to conduct stimulus payments outreach in their communities.  Along with guests from United Way...

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