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Wednesday, November 17, 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET From the Urban Institute: Communities need broad access to data and the skills to use them to advance racial equity and well-being. Community members can use data to advance local priorities by illuminating racial inequities, building consensus...
November 9, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET Our next Housing Is Working Group meeting will be CLPHA-member only update session on November 9 at 2:00 p.m. ET and will offer members the opportunity to report out on their cross-sector initiatives and learn from their peers' programs and...
CLPHA Director of Cross-Sector Initiatives Abra Lyons-Warren was recently invited to serve on an expert advisory group (EAG) for the Youth Fields Workforce Study, funded by the Wallace Foundation and led by Deborah Moroney at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and partners. ...
11.2.21 Report
In a report published in September 2021, the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) examines how public housing authorities (PHAs) and affordable rental housing providers are assisting people with mental and physical health challenges, and...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From Bloomberg: A public housing community in Jersey City received an unusual amenity earlier this month: an indoor farm that will produce 550 pounds of free leafy greens a year. It’s the first of 10 aeroponic farms that will be installed across the city in a novel pilot program called ​​Healthy...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From Eminetra: Access to food, or inaccessibility, has long been a problem in Sun Valley. It has been described as both a food desert and a food swamp. Similar ideas indicate that access to large grocery stores is not as easy as that of healthy food stores, and that the number of fast food...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From Spectrum News 1: Grabbing their gloves and walking out onto the baseball field still takes some getting used to for 17-year-old Melissa Perez and 12-year-old Katherine Rios "because we never had anything like this and it’s all new to us," Perez said. The field they walked out onto at the...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From ABC 7 Chicago: The Chicago Housing Authority and Operation Warm gave away more than 6,000 coats Saturday to people just before the city takes a turn toward winter weather. "It just helps the community so much," said Angela Young, who received a coat at the drive. That's the goal of...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From NBC 4 Columbus:  Residents and organizers celebrated the first anniversary of the Carol Stewart Village in Franklinton, a place designed to help at-risk youth find stable housing, healthcare, and prepare them for success. “It kind of puts you on the right track once you have the...
11.2.21 Members Making News, Awards/Grants
From the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee's newsletter: The PNC Foundation is awarding a $600,000 grant to support the launch of the Black Business Boost Fund, an ecosystem designed to increase opportunities for Black entrepreneurs and business owners in underinvested neighborhoods of...

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