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4.7.21 Members Making News
From DCist: Significant racial disparities persist in the vaccine rollout across the D.C. region, despite the fact that Black and Brown communities have borne the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic. Now, after months of navigating complex appointment systems and logistical hurdles, public health...
4.7.21 Members Making News
From State Representative Jon Santiago partnered with Dr. Alister Martin, the South End Community Health Center, Mascon Medical, the Boston Housing Authority, Brewster Ambulance, and the Professional Firefighters of Massachusetts to set up pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinics aimed...
4.7.21 Members Making News
From Real Estate Weekly:  Con Edison has begun installing solar panels across New York City Housing Authority developments with a program that creates jobs for residents and saves them money on energy bills. Twelve newly trained solar installers are placing the panels on roofs at Glenwood...
4.7.21 Members Making News
From WMAR Baltimore: Dozens of people in Baltimore got vaccinated on Friday as the Housing Authority of Baltimore City brought the vaccine to Brooklyn Homes. They held a clinic for seniors and the disabled. The clinic is the latest in a series to bring vaccinations to housing authority properties...
4.7.21 Members Making News
From Next City: During the presidential campaign last summer, Joe Biden released a “Plan for Rural America” calling for an investment of $20 billion to expand broadband internet access in rural communities, where, the plan noted, residents are 10 times more likely than urbanites to live without a...
4.7.21 Members Making News
From INLIVIAN's website: Dillehay Courts is preparing for a revamp! While once a sought-after location for many families in the early 1970s, INLIVIAN’s last public housing development, has declined with age and in many cases become obsolete. Our initial concept for the site was to rehabilitate...
4.7.21 Members Making News
From the Los Angeles Daily News: The Los Angeles City Council voted Tuesday to have the city take steps to expand its program of purchasing affordable housing buildings to prevent rent increases and keep low-income individuals and families housed throughout the city. The motion passed with 14 yes...
3.26.21 Members Making News, CLPHA Member Update
On Wednesday, March 24, CLPHA member Brian Gage, executive director of the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority, testified before the U.S. House Financial Services Committee's Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development and Insurance during their hearing "Preserving a Lifeline: Examining...
3.10.21 Members Making News
In TIME’s February 18 article “Millions of Tenants Behind on Rent, Small Landlords Struggling, Eviction Moratoriums Expiring Soon: Inside the Next Housing Crisis,” writer Abby Vesoulis  outlines the looming housing crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic’s ...
3.10.21 Members Making News
CLPHA congratulates the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority upon receiving a $246,468 grant from HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program! HUD’s Family Self -Sufficiency (FSS) Program funding helps local public housing authorities to hire Service Coordinators who work...

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