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8.27.21 Statement
CLPHA Working with Biden Administration to Speed ERA Fund Distribution   (Washington, D.C.) August 27, 2021 -- Statement from CLPHA Executive  Director Sunia Zaterman on the Supreme Court's blocking of the CDC's eviction...
8.25.21 CLPHA Member Update
Treasury Releases New ERA FAQs  Today, the Department of Treasury released a new set of FAQs on the emergency rental assistance (ERA) program and the Biden-Harris Administration issued  a factsheet announcing new actions to accelerate ERA...
8.23.21 CLPHA Member Update
On August 20, 2021, HUD issued Notice PIH 2021-25 entitled Emergency Housing Vouchers – Voucher Management System and Financial Data Schedule Reporting Requirements, which updates operating requirements described in Notice PIH 2021-20 and outlines new...
8.4.21 Statement
(Washington, D.C.) August 4, 2021: Statement from CLPHA Executive  Director Sunia Zaterman on the extension of the CDC’s eviction moratorium:   “The Center for Disease Control’s order to extend the...
7.30.21 Statement
Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA  (202) 550-1381   For Immediate Release July 30, 2021   (Washington, D.C.) July 30, 2021 – CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman...
7.28.21 Report
Seventeen months after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, public housing agencies (PHAs) have been forced to quickly adjust their operational policies and procedures to protect their staff, residents and property owners, while...
7.28.21 CLPHA Member Update
HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) announced $20 million in available grant funds for non-profit or governmental entities to provide free legal assistance to low-income residents at risk of or subject to eviction. HUD expects to make 20 awards, grant amounts...
7.28.21 CLPHA Member Update
From the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): The federal government is conducting an all-out push to make sure tenants and landlords take advantage of the historic funding for emergency rental assistance to help cover rent, utilities, and other housing costs and keep people in their...
7.28.21 CLPHA Member Update
From HUD PIH: You are invited to join representatives from HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing and the U.S. Treasury to hear about promising practices from Public Housing Agencies and Emergency Rental Assistance program grantees. Presenters will include agencies working together to help...
On June 30, the White House convened an online Eviction Prevention Summit to help catalyze state and local actions to help keep renters stably housed. The first session featured Administration officials and experts from across the country discussing best practices on legal counsel and eviction...

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