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1.27.21 Members Making News
From the South Seattle Emerald: Seattle’s older adults living in supportive housing will be the next in line for vaccinations against the novel coronavirus offered by the City’s mobile vaccine clinics, the Office of the Mayor announced in a press release on Jan. 22. This newest mobile vaccination...
1.27.21 Members Making News
From the Office of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo:  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the first five community vaccination kits have been deployed to NYCHA housing developments across New York City. These sites bolster New York State's efforts to equitably distribute the COVID-19...
1.6.21 CLPHA Member Update
During CLPHA's December 22 member call, we were pleased to hear insights from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Associate Scientist Dr. Rupali J. Limaye and Research Associate Molly Sauer on COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Limaye and Sauer answered questions from call...

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