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2.24.21 Members Making News
From The Columbian: Vancouver Housing Authority will name its newest homeless shelter after Bertha Baugh, a founding member of the NAACP Vancouver branch. Last week, VHA closed on the purchase of the 63-room Howard Johnson motel near Vancouver Mall for use as a noncongregate shelter. It was...
2.24.21 Members Making News
From Atlanta Housing's website: As Atlanta suffers devastating and long-term ramifications from the COVID-19 pandemic, Atlanta Housing (AH) is calling for more partnerships with for-profit and non-profit real estate owners to help us serve the city’s vulnerable homeless population. “The pandemic...
1.13.21 Members Making News
From WSHU Public Radio: Housing advocates broke ground on a 20-bed temporary shelter for homeless youth in New Haven, Connecticut. The $4 million project will be the first student-run overnight program in Connecticut. The student leadership development group Y2Y will operate the facility,...

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