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3.10.21 Members Making News
From ABC 6 Columbus: 18-year-old, Ka’Marr Smith has traveled a tough road. After the death of his mother, he bounced around between family members. Smith found himself getting into trouble and acting out, which lead him down an even darker path. ... A professor then pointed Smith in the...
2.10.21 Members Making News
From the Akron Beacon Journal: The FirstEnergy Foundation has donated more than $3.4 million to nearly 100 organizations across its service territory as part of “Investing with Purpose,” a company initiative focused on supporting organizations that advance health and safety, workforce development...
2.10.21 Members Making News
From WSOC TV: Students living in public housing in Charlotte have an opportunity to get help paying for college. Charlotte ranks among the worst in the nation in upward mobility, meaning if a child is born in poverty it is very difficult for them to climb out of it. The Greater Steps Scholars...
1.27.21 Members Making News
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Comcast said Tuesday it will equip eight safe spaces in communities in the Pittsburgh area with internet service to help students from low-income families access their online education amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The spaces, known as “lift zones,” will be...
1.27.21 Members Making News
From Lucas Metropolitan Housing's press release: In 2020, the Board of Lucas County Commissioners made CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) funding available to local organizations to cover the cost of expenditures incurred due to the unprecedented COVID-19 public health...
1.27.21 Members Making News
From the City of Boston's press release:  Mayor Martin J. Walsh today celebrated a significant milestone in the City of Boston’s housing work, as the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) has provided housing choice vouchers since December 2019 to more than 1,000 Boston families experiencing...
1.13.21 Members Making News, Awards/Grants
From the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh’s press release: The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) is very excited to announce receipt of a generous grant in the amount of $150,000 from the Richard King Mellon Foundation. These funds will be used to purchase a new...
12.16.20 Members Making News
From The 74: Seeing how 2020 has become the year of highly unlikely events actually happening, Karen DuBois-Walton, president of the Housing Authority of New Haven in Connecticut, would like to put one more on the table: school integration. After all, she notes, protests following the police...
12.2.20 Members Making News
From   The Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA) and Building For Tomorrow’s ConnectHome Akron Initiative is bringing internet service to underserved communities through high-speed community Wi-Fi zones. According to AMHA officials, the Wi-Fi Zones will give residents...
12.2.20 Members Making News
From DCist:  Students sat two to a table, separated by plexiglass and wearing face masks. An 11-year-old girl took a math test on decimals. A 9-year-old boy solved a word problem that directed him to calculate the attendance size of the Super Bowl. His 7-year-old sister doodled in a notebook...

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