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6.10.24 Members Making News
From the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority's website: Last week, residents of Glendale and Minnehaha Townhomes joined MPHA staff in a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) study evaluating the impact of access to childcare and educational services among public housing families...
5.21.24 Members Making News
From Community College Daily: In 2014, Tacoma Community College (TCC) and the Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) began a partnership to help housing-insecure students. Funded through the U.S. Housing & Urban Development’s (HUD) Moving to Work program, the College Housing...
5.21.24 Members Making News
From the Chicago Housing Authority's press release: Two-thousand dollars may not seem like a lot. But, for DePaul freshman Kelvin Jackson Pore, it was the difference between realizing his dreams and not. “The CHA Scholarship was the deciding factor in him being able to go to college,” said his...
5.14.24 Members Making News
From the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh's website: Pittsburgh area high schoolers are learning valuable hands-on skills through the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh’s (HACP) new Carpentry Co-Op Program, in partnership with Pittsburgh Public Schools. The program, launched...
4.15.24 Members Making News
From the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC):  Lack of affordable housing is a barrier for many in America and has left many community college students facing homelessness. More than a quarter (26.6%) of all public community colleges have on-campus housing. And in the...
4.9.24 Members Making News
From the Tacoma Housing Authority's press release: Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) and Tacoma Public Schools (TPS) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish and collaborate on the creation of a local waitlist preference that prioritizes families of TPS students who are...
3.26.24 Members Making News
From WBMA Birmingham: The city of Birmingham, Birmingham City Schools, and the Housing Authority of the District of Birmingham (HABD) launched the "Every Day Counts" initiative in January as an effort to combat the issue of chronic absenteeism in schools. This effort came...
3.25.24 CLPHA Member Update, Members Making News
On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities’ (CLPHA) Housing Is Initiative and the Moving to Work (MTW) Collaborative, held a congressional briefing on Capitol Hill entitled “Housing. Education. Health: Cross-Sector Collaboration to Improve Life...
3.19.24 CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA is pleased to share our 2024 policy priorities. The convergence of a global pandemic, a worldwide climate crisis, and growing economic inequality will have a lasting impact on the actions we take to protect lives, reduce disparities, meet energy needs, and prepare for disasters. These events...
3.5.24 Members Making News
From the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh's newsletter: HACP’s Virtual Parenting Program has given another group of parents, guardians and caregivers the tools to tackle the challenges associated with raising children. Twenty-three graduates were recognized during a graduation ceremony...

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