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4.13.20 CLPHA Member Update
Wednesday, 4/15 at 1:00 p.m. ET Today, HUD released PIH Notice 2020-05, which outlines waivers the Department is making available to execute its blanket waiver authority granted through the CARES Act. CLPHA is pleased to see that many of the waivers...
4.10.20 CLPHA Member Update
Today, HUD released PIH Notice 2020-05, which outlines waivers the Department is making available to execute its blanket waiver authority granted through the CARES Act. CLPHA is pleased to see that many of the waivers that we urged HUD to make available in...
9.17.19 CLPHA Member Update
Today, HUD released its fourth notice on implementation of the Housing Opportunities Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA), bipartisan legislation passed unanimously and enacted in July 2016 to streamline PHA operations and regulations. The new notice seeks comment on several HOTMA...
3.19.19 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
The Trump Administration released the remainder of its fiscal year 2020 (FY18) budget on March 18. As noted last week, the proposal would completely eliminate all funding in FY20 for the Public Housing Capital Fund and slash funding for the Public Housing Operating Fund by almost $2 billion, a...
3.11.19 CLPHA Member Update
The Trump Administration released its fiscal year 2020 (FY20) budget proposal today, with more specific numbers expected early next week. The current version includes a request for $44.1 billion in discretionary funding to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an $8.7 billion or 16...
2.1.19 CLPHA Member Update
The Department of Housing and Urban Development today issued information about HUD’s funding availability for the Housing Choice Voucher program and the Public Housing Operating Fund under the current Continuing Resolution (CR) that provides funding through February 15. According to the letter,...
1.11.19 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update, In The News
As the partial government shutdown continues and creates more uncertainty for public housing authorities, CLPHA is collecting information on the impacts and effects of the government shutdown on housing authorities and residents. We are particularly interested in examples regarding landlord...
1.8.19 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update, Press Release
A coalition of more than 70 national organizations tell the Administration & Congress that people with the lowest incomes will be hit hardest if the shutdown continues. Washington, DC - Members of the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) sent a letter...

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