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7.28.21 Members Making News
From The News Tribune: Shkelqim Kelmendi believes that no apartment should sit vacant when there are people living without a home. As the executive director of nonprofit Housing Connector, Kelmendi brings together property owners and case managers for people experiencing homelessness to...
7.16.21 CLPHA Member Update
Yesterday, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) introduced a legislative housing package to make rental housing more affordable, end homelessness, and encourage homeownership. The three bills in the package include the Housing is Infrastructure Act of 2021, which provides a historic investment...
6.30.21 Members Making News
From HUD PD&R's Edge: When the coronavirus pandemic emerged in spring 2020, agencies devoted to providing housing resources and homelessness services scrambled to build and adapt programs to keep people safe and sheltered. In the years preceding the pandemic, the San Diego Housing Commission (...
6.30.21 Members Making News
From San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria's press release: Recognizing the growing encampments of homeless people on the sidewalks of Downtown San Diego and the difficulty placing unsheltered people suffering from addiction into existing programs, Mayor Todd Gloria and County Board of Supervisors Chair...
6.9.21 Members Making News
From the Milwaukee Independent: The Alexander Company celebrated the grand opening and dedication of six buildings on May 27 at the Milwaukee Soldiers Home campus, a monumental milestone marking the completion of a complex, decade-long preservation and rehabilitation project achieved through the...
6.9.21 Members Making News
From The Columbus Dispatch: The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority will be using $21 million in new federal money to pay for emergency vouchers to house 298 homeless families. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded the money as part of $5 billion being...
4.22.21 Members Making News
From the Garden State Community Development Corporation's press release: Mayor Steven M. Fulop joins the Jersey City Housing Authority (JCHA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to announce the expansion of Jersey City’s homeless resident outreach...
4.22.21 Members Making News
From The Baltimore Sun: The Housing Authority of Baltimore City announced that it has allocated an additional 50 Housing Choice vouchers to help homeless residents obtain housing. In a Tuesday news release, the agency wrote that it now offers 900 vouchers annually through the city’s Coordinated...
4.22.21 Members Making News
From WTMJ Milwaukee: The Victorian Gothic Old Main building on the Milwaukee Soldiers Home campus has a new but familiar purpose more than 150 years after it first opened to house Civil War veterans. "Here in 2021, we're fulfilling the mission of putting veterans and families into a home who are...
4.7.21 Report, Analysis
In its annual report on the national and state-level shortage of affordable housing, the National Low-Income Housing Coalition found in this year’s The Gap report that the affordability gap continues, with again no state having an adequate supply of affordable homes for extremely low-...

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