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7.19.22 Members Making News
From Linc Housing's press release: Linc Housing joined Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, County of Los Angeles officials, new residents, and many other partners to celebrate the grand opening of Cadence, an all-new, 64-unit apartment community in the Watts neighborhood...
6.22.22 CLPHA Member Update
Today, HUD issued a press release announcing $43 million to fund 4000 new incremental vouchers available to PHAs to serve homeless households, including those at-risk of homelessness; fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking; and...
6.15.22 Research, Analysis
In a recent article for Governing, “SRO Housing, Nearly Zoned Out of Existence, Could Re-Emerge,” author Jake Blumgart explores the history and future of single-room occupancy (SRO) units. SRO units are an important form of affordable housing for low-income people. However, beginning in the early...
5.31.22 Members Making News
From The DC Line: Dr. Catherine Crosland, medical director of emergency response sites at Unity Health Care, remembers an older man she used to care for — one of the first people admitted to DC’s Pandemic Emergency Program for Medically Vulnerable Individuals, or PEP-V, in the early days of the...
4.6.22 Members Making News
The Housing Authority of Washington County, a new CLPHA member and a Department of Washington County, Oregon, recently joined HUD’s House America through proclamation of the County Board of Commissioners. HAWC, which also recently joined the Moving to Work (MTW) program, is aggressively working to...
10.6.21 CLPHA Member Update
On September 27, 2021, HUD released a Federal Register notice updating HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) guidance from March 2012. This notice also includes new waivers and program flexibilities. New Waivers and Program Flexibilities...
9.7.21 Members Making News
From the Kitsap Sun: The first time Monica Bernhard walked into one of Pendleton Place’s unfinished apartments, she started crying.  “They have room numbers already written above them, and I just try to imagine who that person's going to be, that we're bringing in from the outside and...
7.16.21 CLPHA Member Update
Yesterday, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) introduced a legislative housing package to make rental housing more affordable, end homelessness, and encourage homeownership. The three bills in the package include the Housing is Infrastructure Act of 2021, which provides a historic investment...
6.9.21 Members Making News
From The Columbus Dispatch: The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority will be using $21 million in new federal money to pay for emergency vouchers to house 298 homeless families. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded the money as part of $5 billion being...
4.22.21 Members Making News
From The Baltimore Sun: The Housing Authority of Baltimore City announced that it has allocated an additional 50 Housing Choice vouchers to help homeless residents obtain housing. In a Tuesday news release, the agency wrote that it now offers 900 vouchers annually through the city’s Coordinated...

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