Preparing for the Public Charge Rule
DHS Publishes Final Public Charge Rule
CLPHA Submits Comments on HUD Proposals to Evict Mixed Status Families and Change FMR Methodology

Opposing HUD’s Dangerous Non-Citizen Rule
CLPHA Submits Public Comments Opposing HUD’s Dangerous Non-Citizen Proposal

CLPHA Submits Public Comments Opposing HUD’s Dangerous Non-Citizen Proposal
HUD’s cruel proposal would force mixed-status families to decide between a roof for some, or homelessness for all.
Comments to HUD Re: Docket No. FR–6124-P-01 Housing and Community Development Act of 1980: Verification of Eligible Status

On July 9, 2019, CLPHA and Reno & Cavanaugh PLLC submitted comments opposing HUD’s proposed rule titled “Housing and Community Development Act of 1980: Verification of Eligible Status.”
#KeepFamiliesTogether Webinar Featuring CLPHA, Office of Rep. Sylvia Garcia, and National Advocates Reaches Hundreds of Activists

CLPHA Members Stand in Opposition to HUD's Proposed Non-Citizen Rule

THA Sends Letter to HUD; HACA, HACLA Featured in NYT, KCRW, LA Times
CLPHA member PHAs are engaged in efforts across the country to oppose HUD’s rule. The Tacoma Housing Authority submitted public comments yesterday conveying THA’s deep concerns with the proposal that they believe would, “inflict grievous harm on people, especially children. As a result of this rule, children will lose their housing or their parents.”