Jobs & Employment

Minneapolis PHA and Twin Cities R!SE Help Residents Reach Their Career Goals


From the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority's website:

In 2023, MPHA started a partnership with Twin Cities R!SE (TCR) to connect MPHA families with career development resources to help residents gain meaningful employment and/or advance in their career, building on MPHA’s successful family housing program. Through this partnership, residents, like Latendra Prince and Audrey Reed, are gaining new skills and reaching their career goals.

Minneapolis PHA and Twin Cities R!SE Help Residents Reach Their Career Goals


From the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority's website:

In 2023, MPHA started a partnership with Twin Cities R!SE (TCR) to connect MPHA families with career development resources to help residents gain meaningful employment and/or advance in their career, building on MPHA’s successful family housing program. Through this partnership, residents, like Latendra Prince and Audrey Reed, are gaining new skills and reaching their career goals.

HACLA Celebrates Grand Opening of New Watts Los Angeles WorkSource Center


From the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles' press release:

On Friday, November 15, 2024, the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) joined community leaders and elected officials to celebrate the grand opening of the new Watts Los Angeles Worksource Center location, located at 2212 E. Imperial Highway. This enhanced center will serve as a vital resource for career development, providing a range of employment and training opportunities for residents of Los Angeles.

HUD Re-Opens FY 2023 Jobs Plus NOFO – Act Now!


HUD has officially re-opened the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Jobs Plus Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to accommodate the anticipated FY24 Jobs Plus appropriations funding. This re-opening allows HUD to invite additional applications, enabling the allocation of more Jobs Plus Grants for the current fiscal year. CLPHA urges our members to take advantage of this funding opportunity.

Report Examines Long-Term Effects from the Original Jobs Plus Demonstration


HUD’s Office of Policy Development & Research has recently published a report detailing the Long-Term Effects from the Original Jobs Plus Demonstration. The Jobs Plus demonstration aimed to increase economic empowerment and mobility for public housing residents through on-site employment services, rent-based work incentives, and supportive work activities.

How These Budding Entrepreneurs Won $20,000 for Their Start-Ups (New York City Housing Authority)


From the New York Times:

Sarah Adams, a teacher, started a side business selling her Jamaican grandmother’s rum cake in 2015 with $5,000 from her husband’s retirement savings. Soon, she was handing out samples at markets and street festivals, building her company, Ms. Macs, one tin at a time.

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