Past Summits have welcomed an engaged audience of hundreds of national leaders including executives, practitioners, researchers, educators, healthcare providers and government officials.
Our housing sector audience includes public housing authorities, nonprofit housing providers, and continuum of care providers
Our education sector audience includes school districts, principals and superintendents, and national education nonprofits.
Our health sector audience includes insurance plan providers, federally qualified health centers, and national health nonprofits.
We offer a true national convening with attendees from 29 states across the country.
The Summit includes intimate, content-focused sessions where attendees network, share ideas, and create action plans.
Our content offers leading-edge policy and practice innovation in housing, health, and education sectors.
Our agenda features two days of industry-leading, information-filled panels, over thirty national and local leaders presenting, three content tracks, and twelve breakout sessions.
Distinguished past speakers have included Members of Congress, Cabinet Secretaries, Federal Policymakers, Leading Academics, and other VIPs.
"The conference is excellently run and very valuable" —Housing sector executive
"This is one of the best conferences I have attended both in terms of the quality of presenters and general organization" —Education sector attendee
"Diverse perspectives, awesome networking opportunities, and great discussions" — Health sector attendee
As key partners in hosting the Summit, supporting sponsors receive the following in addition to specific package benefits:
Up to 2 complimentary conference registrations
- Your choice of 1 of the following:
- Material in all Housing Is Summit folders
- Branded item on venue tables
- Marketing opportunities
- Your logo included in Summit email marketing
- Highlighting your sponsorship in a special email announcement to our Summit markeitng list
- Posts about your company from CLPHA and Housing Is social media accounts
- Thank you during opening remarks by CLPHA Executive Director and Board President
Our webcasting, recording, and recapping help ensure that the Summit has greater reach than in person and more longevity than two days. Your support will be recognized with exclusive branding of tech, and pre- and postevent email marketing.
$10,000 | 1 available
At the Summit, breakfast and lunch are just as much about who is at your table as they are about what is on the menu. Help sponsor one of these unparalleled networking opportunities.
- Breakfast – Day 1 or 2
- Lunch – Day 1 or 2
$10,000 | 4 available
Supporting sponsors receive the following in addition to specific package benefits for enhancing our content and refueling offerings:
- Up to 2 complimentary conference registrations
- Recognition in the printed Housing Is program
- On-site brand recognition in the exhibit hall
- Marketing opportunities
- Your logo included in Summit email marketing
- Highlighting your sponsorship in a special email announcement to our Summit marketing list
- Posts about your company from CLPHA and Housing Is social media accounts
We invite you to lead your industry by showcasing your products and innovations to attendees. This is a chance to share materials with attendees and talk to them one-on-one. We will also make your materials available electronically for attendees.
$5,000| Unlimited available
Be the hero who makes everyone’s day. Just as our attendees need that little boost in the middle of the afternoon to get through the rest of the day, you can be there to welcome them with trays of sweet treats and/or savory treats and refreshing beverages. People come to the Summit for big, bold ideas and thoughtful policy solutions – but they stay for your brownies or cookies.
$5,000 | 2 available
- Email tmainor@clpha.org to express interest in sponsorship
- Work with us to customize/ complete your sponsorship
- Finalize event logistics
- Enjoy the event and make connections!
- Debrief with our team to share your experience.
- Date You Secure Sponsorship – We start to include you on email marketing emails and messages to Summit attendees. The earlier you commit, the more exposure you receive.
- March 14 – Deadline for Summit Lounge and Plenary Session Sponsorships
- April 4 – Deadline for Inclusion in Printed Summit Materials