Prominent Analyst Calls for Better Research into Housing Policy Reforms
HUD Opens Registration for REAC NSPIRE Demonstration
HUD recently announced that PHAs can register for its new voluntary demonstration that will test new inspection protocols. PHAs participating in the demonstration, known as NSPIRE, will receive one inspection per property during the demonstration period.
Members of Congress and CLPHA Members Speak Out Against HUD’s Non-Citizen Rule
More members of Congress and public housing authorities are speaking out against a proposed rule from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that would disallow undocumented immigrants from living in federally subsidized housing.
Members of Congress, CHA, HACLA, HACA, HHA Speaking Out Against HUD’s Non-Citizen Rule
HUD Discusses Inspection Changes, Announces New Demonstration at Philadelphia Listening Session
Mobility Demonstration Bill Included in 2019 HUD Budget
HUD Announces Changes to REAC Inspection Process
PRAs for ACC and MTW ACC
CLPHA Discusses Proposed Public Charge Rule