HUD has officially re-opened the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Jobs Plus Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to accommodate the anticipated FY24 Jobs Plus appropriations funding. This re-opening allows HUD to invite additional applications, enabling the allocation of more Jobs Plus Grants for the current fiscal year. CLPHA urges our members to take advantage of this funding opportunity.
This month, HUD's Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) newsletter focused their spotlight on the Housing Authority of Kansas City's Sam Rodgers Place and discussed how HAKC and Kansas City successfully developed and implemented a comprehensive Choice Neighborhoods housing plan that responded to resident needs and culminated in a healthy living community that combined health and wellness with mixed-income housing.
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From the Tacoma Housing Authority's press release:
Ballmer Group has awarded the Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) a three-year $1,233,000 grant. The funds will be used to expand capacity in THA’s successful 2GEN Family Engagement Program, which emphasizes a multi-generational approach to housing and family engagement, stability, and thriving for THA clients. The goal of the program is to create opportunities for families of elementary, middle, and high school students to learn about and practice Social Emotional Learning (SEL) together.
From the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority's website article:
From the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority's press release:
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) Board of Commissioners today approved a combined total of nearly $100 million in new investments that will develop or preserve more than 700 apartments for Columbus-area seniors, families and people with disabilities.
From the San Diego Housing Commission's press release:
As crews on excavators and other heavy machinery worked to clear concrete and prepare the East Village site for construction, a groundbreaking ceremony across the street today celebrated an affordable housing development in collaboration with the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) that will provide 270 affordable rental apartments for San Diegans with lower income, including people experiencing homelessness.
From Lucas Metropolitan Housing's press. release:
Joaquín Cintrón Vega is resigning from his role as president and chief executive officer at Lucas Metropolitan Housing (LMH). The Board of Commissioners has tapped current deputy executive director Rachel Gagnon as the interim chief executive officer. Her appointment is expected to be formalized at the next Board of Commissioners regular meeting.
From Denver Housing Authority's press release:
The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City and County of Denver (DHA) announced today that Joaquín Cintrón Vega has been selected to serve as DHA’s next Chief Executive Officer following a national search and multiple rounds of interviews.
From the Kitsap Sun:
A Warren Avenue property near downtown Bremerton, across from Kitsap Community Resources' home and once the site of three abandoned houses and a small commercial building, is now the site of an apartment building soon to become a Bremerton Housing Authority-owned housing option for disadvantaged young people.
From the Chicago Housing Authority's press release:
Chicago Housing Authority residents who participated in the “LevelUp” wealth-building program received their certificates of completion and celebrated economic power Saturday at a ceremony at the Charles A. Hayes Family Investment Center.