CLPHA Advocacy

CLPHA Executive Director Tells Multi-Housing News What Shutdown Could Mean for Affordable Housing


CLPHA’ Executive Director Sunia Zaterman spoke to Multi-Housing News about the disastrous effect the shutdown will have on not only on Housing Choice Voucher funding and other rental assistance programs, but also affordable housing projects, if it continues beyond February.  Zaterman added that if the shutdown continues into March, for smaller landlords and property owners especially “there is a huge c

Housing Leaders Warn of Shutdown’s Impact on Affordable Housing & Communities During National Call


Washington, DC – Members of the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) hosted a national call with over 2,200 registrants yesterday, January 15, about the effects of the partial government shutdown on low-income people and communities and the affordable housing programs that serve them.

CLPHA Executive Director Voices Concerns to Affordable Housing Finance about Shutdown’s Negative Impact on Low-Income Families


Today, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman  was quoted in Affordable Housing Finance discussing how the shutdown threatens the stability of low-income households. Though HUD has prepared payments for housing vouchers and the public housing operating subsidy through February, Zaterman notes that the “existential threat” for voucher holders looms given the uncertainty of when the shutdown will end.

CLPHA Joins with 70 National Organizations in Call to End the Shutdown


Now in its 18th day, the partial government shutdown, which includes the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is already having an impact on the low-income families served by public and affordable housing. The ongoing uncertainty imposes challenges for resource allocation and, if the shutdown drags on, the lack of HCV and Operating Fund payments will lead to housing instability for millions of families.

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