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CLPHA’s counsel Reno & Cavanaugh has produced a memo for members that summarizes HUD’s recent guidance on Faircloth-to-RAD conversions. The guidance, in conjunction with a webinar held by HUD on April 26, outlines how PHAs can use public housing authorized under their Faircloth limit to create additional public housing units through the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)...
From HUD's Office of Housing Counseling:
On February 23, the RAD Collaborative will host a discussion via Zoom with Tom Davis and Will Lavy of HUD’s Office of Recapitalization to dig into the new RAD blend options for construction and small PHAs along with other resources. This newly available bundle has the potential to stretch RAD in achieving public housing repositioning goals, and is likely of considerable interest to CLPHA...
On January 19, 2021 HUD released the Notice PIH 2021-07 (HA), "Demolition and/or disposition of public housing property, eligibility for tenant protection vouchers, and associated requirements." This notice explains the application requirements for PHAs requesting approval from HUD to demolish and/or dispose of public housing property under the Section 18 program and lays out the...

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