Public Housing

The public housing program provides safe, decent, and affordable rental housing to over 2.2 million low- and very low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. 

There are approximately 1.1 million public housing units owned and managed by more than 3,000 housing authorities.  

The majority of public housing agencies are very small, with over 2,200 agencies having 250 units of public housing or less. However, the majority of the stock is concentrated within medium-large sized housing authorities (1,001 units or more). Although these medium-large housing authorities only comprise 5% of the number of agencies, they represent approximately 60% of the public housing unit stock.

CLPHA represents some of the largest public housing authorities in the country. Collectively, CLPHA members own and operate approximately 40% of the nation’s public housing stock.

Latest Public Housing News
Yesterday the U.S. House of Representatives voted 277-194 to approve a $383 billion spending package of five appropriations bills, including funding for the departments of Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies. The House-passed bill includes $50.1 billion for HUD, an increase of $5.9 billion above the FY19 enacted level, and $13.4 billion above President Trump’s...
 A draft of the main points that CLPHA will be putting forth in its comments on HUD’s proposed non-citize
Part two of Affordable Housing Finance’s special report “Turning Point for Public Housing,” explores tools such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) that public housing authorities can use to recapitalize and redevelop properties for their residents and communities.
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What are the benefits of public housing? 

Public housing:

  • Lowers health care costs
  • Improves student achievement
  • Bolsters economic productivity

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