Public Housing
Urban Institute Report: An Equitable Strategy for Public Housing Redevelopment

CLPHA Creates Eviction Brief for Member PHAs
Cambridge Housing Authority Publishes “Stories of the Can’t Wait List” Highlighting Dire Need for Affordable Housing in Cambridge
The power to break new ground: Reviving Jordan Downs helps fulfill longstanding promises (Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles)
From Bank of America:
In the 1940s, the Jordan Downs housing development was built in an underserved section of Los Angeles, CA. Recently, the Michaels Organization and BRIDGE Housing have stepped in to revitalize Jordan Downs, with financing from Bank of America.
With 1,400 units of affordable housing and a 76% local-hire rate, the project is transforming the neighborhood and creating new opportunities for the people who live and work there.
Public Housing Industry Groups Release FY22 Joint Funding Request

The Council of Large Public Housing Agencies (CLPHA), The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO), the Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA), and the MTW Collaborative are pleased to release our joint funding recommendations for Office of Public and Indian Housing and Office of Housing programs administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for fiscal year 2022.
Solar Panels to Go Live at Public Housing Property Ahead of Earth Day (San Antonio Housing Authority)
From the San Antonio Housing Authority's press release:
Ahead of Earth Day on April 22, the San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) celebrates the use of solar energy at public housing properties, a green initiative uncommon in the affordable housing industry, with the new installation of solar panels at Blanco Apartments on April 21.
The new solar panels will offset 20 percent of the building costs and will be combined with efforts to upgrade lighting and upgrade systems to energy efficiency.
CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman Appears LIVE on C-SPAN's Washington Journal

This morning, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to discuss public and affordable housing issues and President Biden's proposed American Jobs Plan.
$40 Billion Investment in Public Housing Infrastructure Returns $76 Billion in Economic Impact and Creates 440,000 Jobs

NYCHA resident workers begin installing solar roofs
From Real Estate Weekly:
Con Edison has begun installing solar panels across New York City Housing Authority developments with a program that creates jobs for residents and saves them money on energy bills.
Twelve newly trained solar installers are placing the panels on roofs at Glenwood Houses in the Flatlands area of Brooklyn. From there, they’ll move to Kingsborough Houses in Crown Heights. They already completed installation work at Carver Houses in northern Manhattan.