A new report from the Center on Budget & Policy Priorities (CBPP) finds that housing agencies that administer Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) funds generally use all (or nearly all) of annual HCV funds appropriated by Congress to help low-income families afford housing, even in communities where families face significant challenges finding housing with a voucher.
The Winter 2019 issue of Evidence Matters, a publication from HUD’s office of Policy Development and Research, focuses on research regarding landlord acceptance of Housing Choice Vouchers, the efforts to increase participation in the HCV program, and the implications of landlord participation for the housing choices of voucher households.
In yesterday's article "Trust in Public Housing at Stake Over Looming Government Shutdown," YES! Magazine quoted CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman and CLPHA members Kurt Wiest, Bremerton Housing Authority Executive Director, and Mark Gillett, Oklahoma City Housing Authority Executive Director, on how another government shutdown could continue to sow mistrust in public housing authorities (PHAs) and HUD.
Feb. 13, 3:00-4:00 PM ET, #FullyFundHousing
The Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura (HACSB) will partner with local PHAs the Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura and the Oxnard Housing Authority to distribute $400,000 in HUD Mainstream Voucher funds that will help house 45 families in Ventura County.