FRAC Webinar: A Community of Practice: A District Team Approach to Strengthening Breakfast After the Bell

Date & time: 
Tuesday, June 5, 2018 - 4:00 am UTC
Join this webinar, brought to you by AASA, the School Superintendents Association, and FRAC, to learn strategies and lessons from school superintendents and their district teams working to sustain and expand their breakfast after the bell programs. Since 2011, AASA, the School Superintendents Association, has established a Community of Practice (CoP) to facilitate engagement between superintendents and school nutrition directors. The CoP includes mentors from both state-level anti-hunger agencies and dairy associations. AASA currently has 30 school districts across 4 cohorts in the CoP. The CoP’s structure encourages relationship building for a deeper understanding of members’ shared vision, ensuring children, especially low-income children, are healthy and hunger-free. The CoP helps districts work together, share best practices, problem solve and learn from each other in an environment that is more than a meeting.
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