Date & time:
Thursday, March 8, 2018 - 5:00 am UTC
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Education (ED) will host a joint webinar on improving student outcomes through data-sharing partnerships between public housing authorities, multifamily housing providers, and school districts.
Nearly four million children live in public housing and HUD-assisted multifamily properties. Housing providers and school districts both work hard to create an environment in which these children can succeed, and collaboration between these two sectors can lead to even greater improvements in school readiness, attendance and graduation rates, and reading and math proficiency. Recognizing this potential, a growing number of public housing authorities, multifamily housing providers, and school districts have formed partnerships focused on data-driven strategies to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for children living in HUD-assisted housing.
This introductory webinar is designed for public housing, multifamily housing, and school district leadership and staff who are new to this topic and interested in learning more about what they can gain from initiating a partnership. The session will introduce attendees to the Data Sharing Road Map, a new resource from HUD and ED, and explore the potential benefits of a data-driven partnership between housing and education organizations.
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