Webinar: Aim High: Supporting Out-of-School Time Programs Serving Disadvantaged Middle School Youth

Date & time: 
Thursday, January 11, 2018 - 5:00 am UTC
The New York Life Foundation is seeking applicants for its Aim High grants to support afterschool, summer, or expanded learning programs serving middle schoolers. Aim High will provide $2.25M over three years to middle school afterschool, summer or expanded learning programs serving disadvantaged youth. A total of 26 grant awards – 8 more than last year -- will be made nationwide. Take a look to see which opportunity is a good fit for you, and apply! Grant categories: • $100,000 over two years – 8 awards to be made to organizations with annual budgets of $500,000 or greater AND annual program budgets of $250,000 or greater • $50,000 over two years – 8 awards to be made to organizations with annual budgets of $250,000 or greater • $15,000 one-year grant – 10 awards will be made to programs to help them better serve with disabilities or special needs; applicants must have annual budgets of $150,000 or greater Read the full application and eligibility requirements, and join our webinar on January 11 at 2 p.m. ET to learn more about this opportunity. Applications are due January 26, 2018. Grant funds may be used for technical assistance, capacity building, enhancing direct service activities, and/or program expansion. Applicants will need to describe how programs support youth in the transition to the ninth grade. Competitive two-year grant applicants should be able to report on indicators of success such as on-time promotion; school attendance rates; improved behavior, grades and test scores; and/or the development of social and emotional skills. We look forward to receiving your application, and wish you good luck!
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