MTW Expansion

In December 2015, under the 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act, Congress authorized the expansion of the Moving to Work (MTW) program to 100 new agencies. CLPHA has long supported the expansion of MTW, which would allow more housing authorities to design and test innovative strategies for addressing the affordable housing and service needs of their tenants and local communities. Per the Act, of the 100 PHAs selected under the expanded MTW demonstration:

  • No fewer than 50 PHAs shall administer 1,000 or fewer aggregate voucher and public housing units;
  • No fewer than 47 PHAs shall administer 1,001-6,000 aggregate voucher and public housing units;
  • No more than 3 PHAs shall administer 6,001-27,000 aggregate voucher and public housing units;
  • No PHA shall be granted this designation if it administers in excess of 27,000 aggregate voucher and public housing units;
  • Five of the PHAs selected shall be agencies with a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) portfolio award that converts a PHA’s entire public housing inventory to RAD

The expansion of MTW will include a significant research and evaluation component. Housing agencies will be added to the MTW demonstration as part of a cohort, and each cohort will be directed to enact a specific policy change subject to evaluation by HUD. HUD has created a Research Advisory Committee, including members of HUD, housing experts, and existing MTW agencies, to help determine which policy changes will be enacted and evaluated.

MTW News

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