In 2013 the Vancouver Housing Authority (VHA), Vancouver Public Schools, Evergreen Public Schools, and the Council for the Homeless (CftH) established a groundbreaking initiative to address the challenges faced by school-aged children experiencing homelessness. Through their collaborative efforts, they implemented a specialized program called the School Housing Stability Program to promote school engagement and family stability for homeless families through short-term rental assistance and coordinated case management. Using time-limited vouchers, Evergreen and Vancouver Public Schools identified students experiencing homelessness while CftH processed and administered vouchers that were provided by VHA, who also led case management. In 2016, VHA partnered with Clark County school districts to implement a Section 8 program preference for families with children registered as homeless within a school district in Clark County. Although some vouchers have been reduced due to budget constraints, these initiatives illustrate dedicated support that can be achieved with housing-education partnerships. The Washington State Department of Commerce also established the Homeless Student Stability Program (HSSP) in 2016 with the passage of the Homeless Student Stability and Opportunity Gap Act, which amended state laws related to improving educational outcomes for homeless students through increased identification services, in-school supports and housing stability. The HSSP grant provides housing support services to students and their families experiencing homelessness and unaccompanied students experiencing homelessness. The goals of the program are to:
- Provide educational stability for students experiencing homelessness by promoting housing stability
- Encourage the development and implementation of collaborative strategies between housing and education partners
- Encourage the development and implementation of evidence-informed strategies to address racial inequities among students and their families experiencing homelessness
HSSP grantees provide housing support, including diversion, housing navigation, financial and/or rent assistance, housing stability case management and other collaborative, strengths-based services. For FY 2023-2025, HSSP has $9,000,000 in funding.
In Minnesota, the Homework Starts at Home (HSWH) program focuses on addressing homelessness and housing instability among students and their families. It serves families with children eligible for a pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 academic program, as well as youth (with or without children of their own) eligible for an academic program through grade 12 and who are without their parent or guardian. While it does not offer statewide coverage, HSWH provides crucial supportive services to find and maintain housing stability. These services include financial assistance for rent deposits, rent assistance, utilities, housing application assistance, and other related costs. HSWH utilizes program guidelines such as the Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) and the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) rental assistance program to prevent homelessness whenever possible and, in cases where homelessness occurs, to ensure that it is rare, brief, and non-recurring.
This directory serves as a tool for PHAs seeking to collaborate effectively with McKinney-Vento Liaisons, thereby enhancing the educational opportunities and well-being of homeless students within their communities. Please note that contact information may change frequently due to staffing turnover. If you encounter difficulties locating the appropriate liaison for your school district, please reach out to your state's homeless education coordinator for assistance.