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Job Title: 

Chief Financial Officer

Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA)
Job Location: 
Alexandria, VA
Salary Range: 
$175,000 - $225,000
Full Job Description: 

Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority is seeking an experienced financial administration leader to serve as their next Chief Financial Officer.

The Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) was established on June 27, 1939 by City Ordinance and Mayoral appointment of a five-member Board of Commissioners, in accordance with the Code of Virginia’s enabling legislation. The first low-rent housing units were occupied in 1941.

For over 80 years, the Authority has managed the City of Alexandria’s public housing units and provided affordable housing, economic opportunities and a living environment free from discrimination for low-income and moderate-income residents of Alexandria. The Authority’s mission for the next five years is to become an industry leader in the development and management of model mixed-income communities, while simultaneously increasing ARHA residents’ self-sufficiency and quality of life.

The Authority’s mandate is to:

  • Administer and operate the Public Housing Program for persons in the low income and low-to-moderate income brackets, in accordance with state and federal statutes and regulationsprescribed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
  • Administer the tenant-based Section 8 (now Housing Choice Voucher Programs) forpersons in the low- and moderate-income brackets, in accordance with state and federalstatutes and regulations prescribed by HUD.
  • Administer and operate Moderate Rehabilitation Programs for project-based subsidies inprivately owned properties, operated and maintained by ARHA.
  • Administer and operate Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties for low income and low-to-moderate income families, owned, operated and maintained by ARHA.

The Chief Financial Officer reports to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and performs highly responsible financial work in developing, implementing, and coordinating an effective financial management system for the Authority, which includes strategic planning and accountability for fiscal and managerial results, Authority-wide budget, resource management and financial management functions, and management of the Authority’s procurement operations. The salary range for this position is $175,000-$225,000 annually. The final offer will be commensurate with experience.

In alignment with the duties of the position, the Chief Financial Officer:

  • Effectively directs the overall financial plans and accounting practices of the Authority,ensuring propriety and prudence of all operations.
  • Directs budget and cost controls, financial analysis, accounting practices, payroll functions,insurance coverage and evaluation, purchasing and inventory expenditures, and CapitalFunds Program (CFP) purchase requisitions, and ensures timely financial and statisticalreports for the use of management and the Board of Commissioners (BOC).
  • Analyzes and interprets financial data and recommends changes to improve systems andfinancial performance.
  • Oversees monthly operating subsidy draw-downs, monthly checks run, funds transfers, etc.,and maintains general ledgers required for each program in compliance with federal, state,and local requirements.
  • Serves as Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) Officer.
  • Designs, implements, and maintains project-based accounting system for conventionalhousing programs.
  • Develops and maintains an efficient internal auditing system to ensure integrity in the useof funds, equipment, materials, and personnel to safeguard the Authority’s funds andproperty.
  • Directs the preparation of budget documents and budget submissions to HUD and otherlocal agencies as required and is responsible for the control of and adherence to itemscontained within the budget after approval of the budget by the BOC.
  • Conducts budget workshops with other directors and commissioners during the budgetprocess.
  • Responsible for overseeing the effective financial management of all programs, includinggrants, for which the Authority receives funds.
  • Prepares and/or directs the preparation of monthly financial statements, balance sheets,and various regular reports to ensure timely flow of information to the Executive Director,BOC, HUD, and Tax Credit Partners as appropriate regarding the financial condition of theAuthority and status of all programs and budgets.
  • Forecasts revenue for the Authority, develops fiscal impact statements, and provides adviceon economic development activities.
  • Reviews and analyzes financial statements and requests, revises and/or approves reportsprepared by staff, creates and develops departmental policies, plans, priorities, goals, and objectives, and controls Authority funds to ensure compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and Authority rules and procedures.
  • Ensures accounting and financial systems are maintained in accordance with GenerallyAccepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
  • Establishes and maintains appropriate internal controls to ensure compliance withapplicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, as well as Authority rules andprocedures.
  • Provides management and oversight of the Authority’s computer systems, voice, and datacommunications networks by working with MIS Manager and vendors to identify andevaluate technology needs and provide technical solutions and cost-effective approaches fordaily administrative and Authority operations.
  • Represents the Finance Department to other Authority departments, elected officials, andcommunity-based organizations, and coordinates Department activities with those of otherdepartments and external agencies and organizations as appropriate.
  • Communicates and coordinates accounting policies, practices, and procedures withdepartment and Agency managers, vendors, reporting agencies, clients, and the public.
  • Supervises departmental staff, providing ongoing assistance to support a positive andproductive working environment.
  • Makes recommendations for and oversees the selection, employment, training, direction,supervision, utilization, discipline, and termination of department employees.
  • Makes recommendations regarding salaries, employee benefits, and periodic revisions.
  • Counsels and prepares periodic evaluations on the accomplishment of assigned goals andobjectives.
  • Analyzes and reconciles inter-fund accounts by project and maintains a prepaid insuranceschedule, allocating monthly insurance expenses by project.
  • Prepares and/or oversees monthly operating subsidy draw-down from Line of CreditControl System and records subsidy in general ledger by project.
  • Coordinates annual audits and other third-party monitoring reviews and audits in a timelyand well-organized manner.
  • Works with financial advisors on structuring leverage financing for new housingdevelopments.
  • Designs and evaluates the financial components of proposed development projectsincluding development of pro formas to ensure projects meet the criteria for issuance ofAuthority taxable/tax-exempt bond financing.
  • Researches and contracts for the full range of the Authority’s insurance needs.
  • Maintains general ledgers required for each program in compliance with federal, state, andlocal requirements.
  • Establishes, maintains, and oversees cash controls to avoid overdrafts and initiates and/oroversees internal transfers to cover expenses.
  • Supervises the 1099 process and ensures accurate and timely submission to IRS.
  • Responsible for prudent investment of any and all Authority funds and maintainingaccurate records of all transactions and ongoing effects of investments.
  • Accountable for consistent adherence to strong Authority standards regarding the ethical,responsible, and appropriate use, care, and safeguarding of Authority materials, supplies,resources, and other assets.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned by the CEO.

The qualified candidate will have a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university with major coursework in Accounting and eight (8) years of experience in financial management. The CPA designation and a Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance or related field are both preferred.

The qualified candidate will also demonstrate the following knowledge and abilities:

  • Thorough knowledge of the modern principles, practices and techniques pertaining to accounting, budgeting, financing, financial reporting procedures and requirements,personnel management, and financial management of housing programs.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of modern principles, GAAP, budgeting, financing, loans,mortgages, and financial reporting and cost allocations.
  • Thorough knowledge of the relationship between the Authority and federal, state and local jurisdictions and their abilities to provide funds or other support to the Authority;accounting control requirements; and auditing principles and procedures.
  • Thorough knowledge of applicable federal (HUD), state, and local laws and regulationspertaining to public housing authorities and the Housing Authority’s operating policies andprocedures as they pertain to the position.
  • Thorough knowledge of the modern principles, practices, and techniques of personnelmanagement, training, and performance evaluation.
  • Ability to plan, direct, and supervise the work of others, to delegate responsibility andauthority, and to hold subordinates accountable for tasks assigned.
  • Ability to present information in a clear, organized, and convincing manner.
  • Ability to accurately and completely document in writing appropriate events and activities.
  • Ability to read and comprehend complex material.
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with subordinates, co-workers, and persons outside the Authority.
  • Ability to prepare clear and concise narrative and statistical reports and deal effectively with situations requiring tact and diplomacy, with firmness.
  • Ability to operate appropriate Authority computer equipment and software packages.


To Apply: 


The Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority is partnering with PoliHire to identify their next Chief Financial Officer. If you are interested in this opportunity, please click here (link is external) to submit a cover letter detailing your interest and your resume.

Date Posted: 
Friday, January 17, 2025
Posting Expiration Date: 
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Job Posting Validation: 

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