FY22 Budget & Appropriations

CLPHA Review of FY22 Funding Bill for Key HUD Programs

On March 9 and 10, 2022, after months of false starts, delays, and negotiations over many thorny issues, the U.S. Congress finalized and passed HR 2471, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022,” that includes all twelve fiscal year 2022 (FY22) appropriations bills and supplemental funding to support the military and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The bill was then sent to President Biden for his signature.

Division L, Title II of HR 2471 contain provisions making appropriations for the Departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. For the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the bill provides a total of $53.7 billion, an increase of $4 billion above FY21.

Below is an overview of the FY22 funding levels for several programs of interest to CLPHA members, along with selected passages and/or rationale of policy directives and recommendations from the House and Senate Joint Explanatory Statement (the “agreement”)  (italicized; and, in part, bolded for emphasis), along with CLPHA’s updated funding chart.  


CLPHA Review of FY22 Funding Bill for Key HUD Programs

Housing Funding Increased in Senate Appropriations Committee’s FY22 THUD Budget Proposal

On October 18, the Senate Appropriations Committee released the remaining nine fiscal year 2022 appropriations bills, including the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) bill. According to the committee, “The bill makes key investments in transportation and housing programs that will help reduce homelessness, provide housing stability for nearly 5 million low-income households, and improve the safety and efficiency of our transportation systems…The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would receive $65.4 billion in total budgetary resources, which is $5.7 billion above the fiscal year 2021 enacted level.”


Read CLPHA's Analysis of the Senate Approps THUD Budget Proposal

House Passes $3.5 Trillion Budget Resolution

On August 24, the House voted on a party line vote of 220 - 212 to approve an historic $3.5 trillion budget resolution. It included $339 billion targeted to housing investments, which represents $7 billion more than the Senate authorized committee level.  The budget resolution is only a framework and does not include details about how the authorization will be appropriated.


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U.S. House Passes FY22 HUD Funding Bill

HUD Funding Encompassed in Consolidated Appropriations Act

On July 29, on a strict party-line vote of 219–208 with all Democrats present voting “aye” and all Republicans present voting “nay”, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a “minibus” fiscal year 2022 (FY22) appropriations legislation comprised of seven appropriations bills funding several federal departments including Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Interior, Veterans Affairs, Treasury, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


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House Appropriations Committee Approves FY22 THUD Funding Bill

On July 16, the House Appropriations Committee approved the fiscal year 2022 Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) funding bill on a 33-24 vote. The full Committee approved the FY22 THUD funding bill without any significant amendments to HUD programs. 

Click below for an in-depth overview of the bill and CLPHA's comparative funding chart.    


CLPHA's Analysis of Housing Provisions in the FY22 House Appropriations Bill



FY22 House THUD Budget Proposal Includes Voucher Expansion and Energy Investments, Increases Cap Fund Accruals, and Doubles Choice Neighborhoods

On July 12, 2021, the Subcommittee on Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) held a markup on the Fiscal Year 2022 THUD Appropriations Bill. The draft FY22 House THUD funding bill was forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment.

The funding bill includes $56.5 billion for HUD programs – an increase of $6.8 billion above the FY21 enacted level, but a $12.2 billion decrease from the Biden Administration request.

The highlights of the FY22 House THUD funding levels include:  

  • $1 billion to fund 125,000 new housing vouchers targeted to individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness, $1.385 billion for over 4,000 new units for seniors and persons with disabilities
  • $8.64 billion for Public Housing, $834 million above FY21 enacted funding levels, including $3.4 billion to meet the full annual capital accrual need
  • $1.85 billion in direct funding to states and local governments through the HOME Investment Partnership Program
  • $205 million across HUD programs to improve energy and water efficiency and increase resiliency in public low-income housing 

As the budget proposal move through the legislative process, these numbers could increase or decrease. CLPHA will continue to monitor through the entire process.

Click below for an in-depth overview of draft FY22 House THUD Appropriations bill and CLPHA's comparative funding chart.    


CLPHA's Analysis of Draft FY22 House THUD Appropriations Bill

Biden Administration Releases Full FY22 HUD Budget Proposal
Programs Bolstered, New Programs Proposed, Funding Increased


On May 28, 2021, the Biden Administration released its full fiscal year 2022 Budget Proposal (FY22) for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Administration had previously released a “skinny” budget in early April with a broad overview of its funding priorities. The $68.7 billion request is a $9 billion or 15 percent increase from the FY21 budget enacted level.

In a complete and welcome reversal, the Biden HUD budget attempts to correct the funding and policy devastation and consequences from the previous four years. Core HUD programs are bolstered, new programs are proposed, and funding for some programs are at higher levels that have not been seen in years or ever.

Below is a review of the Administration-proposed funding levels for some HUD programs of interest and CLPHA's FY22 comparative funding chart, along with selected explanations from the HUD congressional justifications (CJs) and explanations from the HUD budget appendix (Appendix).


CLPHA's Analysis of the Biden Administration's FY22 HUD Budget Proposal 

FY22 Funding News
On October 28, after an appeal from President Biden to the House Democratic Caucus to support and pass the Administration’s social and domestic agenda for the reconciliation bill, the House Rules Committee posted the revised text and funding priorities for HR 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The housing provisions in the Build Back Better Act are found and remain in Title IV of...
The Senate Appropriations Committee unveiled its fiscal year 2022 legislation that aims to reduce homelessness and provide housing stability for nearly 5 million low-income households with an increased funding of $5.7 billion for HUD programs over the 2021 appropriations levels. The bill provides $27.72 billion for Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV), renews existing HCV contracts at $24.527 billion,...

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