Housing Is Summit Registration — Terms and Conditions

Please see below for terms and conditions pertaining to registration for the Housing Is Summit, held May 1-2, 2025 in Washington. D.C. 



In-Person Registration Costs

Our Summit will be held in-person May 1 and 2, 2025,  in Washington, D.C.

Our Early Bird Registration rate is available until Friday, February 28, and our Regular Registration deadline is Friday, April 11. If you have not registered for the Summit by April 11, you can still attend by paying for Late Registration. CLPHA members receive a nearly 50% discount on the Non-Profit & Government Attendee rate. Speakers receive a 25% discount off their registration tier.  

Each person planning to attend the Housing Is Summit must purchase an individual registration. Registration is not transferrable during the two days of the event. If you need to transfer your registration to a colleague prior to the event, please contact us at housingis@clpha.org.  


Early Bird 
(ends 3/14) 
(3/15 thru 4/11) 
(4/12 and after) 
Nonprofit & Government Attendee 
(nonprofit organizations, researchers, government, foundations, schools, healthcare providers, etc.) 




CLPHA Members*
(half off registration) 
For-Profit Attendee 


Guest speakers and panelists will receive a discount code for 25% off your registration category – if you are confirmed as a guest speaker or panelist, you should receive a discount code from CLPHA. If you are confirmed to speak and you do not receive a discount code please reach out to housingis@clpha.org

*Late registration can only be paid by credit or debit card. Any unregistered guests will need to pay registration on-site at the Late Registration price. 

**CLPHA membership is comprised of approximately 85 public housing authorities across the country. If your organization is not a housing authority, you are not a CLPHA member. Anyone who works for a CLPHA member PHA is entitled to the CLPHA member rate. Not sure if you are a member? Click here for a list of current CLPHA members. If your housing authority is not currently a member but interested in membership, email us at clpha@clpha.org

Accepted Forms of Payment
  • Credit or Debit Card: We accept all major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover). Credit and debit cards can be used to pay for Early Bird, Regular, or Late Registration.

  • Checks: All check payments for registration must be received by April 11. No check payments will be accepted after April 11 for Late Registration; all Late Registration payments must be made my credit or debit card.  

  • Early Bird Registration: Checks must be postmarked no later than Mach 14. Any attendees registered for Early Bird whose checks are postmarked March 15- April 11 must pay the Regular Registration rate.

  • Regular Registration: Checks must be postmarked by April 11. We cannot accept check payments after April 11; any Regular Registration attendee without a check postmarked by April 11 will be subject to Late Registration pricing and payment method.

  • Late Registration: We can only accept credit or debit card payments for Late Registration. 

Cancellation & Transfer Policy

If you need to cancel your conference registration, please contact our team at housingis@clpha.org 

  • Cancellation requests made by April 11 will be refunded 90% of registration cost. 

  • Cancellation requests made between April 12 and April 30 will be refunded 50% of registration cost. 

  • Refunds will not be issued until shortly after the Summit. 

  • No refunds will be issued for registrations canceled after April 30 or for no-shows. 

  • You will be refunded with the same payment method used for the original payment (refund to credit/debit card or by check). 

  • You may transfer your registration to another person if the request is made via email to clpha@clpha.org by April 11. Please include the contact information for the person to whom you would like to transfer your registration in that e-mail correspondence.  



Sorry, this content is only available to members.

If you're a member of CLPHA, please click here to log in.

If you have not created your CLPHA.org account, it’s easy to create one. Click here for step-by-step instructions.

You can also click here to watch a webinar site tour that shows CLPHA members how to create website accounts for themselves and provides an overview of the site's functionality.

Otherwise, we invite you to learn more about the many benefits of CLPHA membership.