Trends in Housing Assistance and Who it Serves Webinar

Date & time: 
Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - 4:00 am UTC
In the US, there are 12 million very low-income cost-burdened households that could benefit from housing assistance, but do not receive it, according to conservative estimates. A home that’s made affordable through housing assistance increases stability, improves health and education outcomes, boosts financial security, and can lead to economic mobility for low-income families. Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation’s annual report, the Housing Impact Report (formerly known as the PAHRC Report), describes the latest research on the impact housing assistance has on families, adults, seniors, and children. Join us for our webinar, Trends in Housing Assistance and Who it Serves, on Wednesday, September 19 at 2:00 pm EST to learn about the findings from the 2018 Housing Impact Report, sponsored by HAI Group. Participants will be able to: • Gain an understanding of the populations that receive rental assistance and how they are changing • Recall the impact housing assistance has on health, stability, economic, and education outcomes • Learn about labor market engagement among assisted residents and the barriers they face achieving job advancements • Learn from promising programs being spearheaded by housing agencies to address barriers to job advancement • Learn about the Housing Impact Report and how it can be used to advance affordable housing
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