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Funding for Housing Programs Still to Be Determined
On Sunday January 7, Congressional negotiators revealed agreement on overall funding amounts for the 2024 Fiscal Year (FY) budget, which includes $772.7 billion for non-defense spending and $886 billion for defense programs for a total of $1.66...
Details will be discussed at the February 6 EHV Working Group Meeting
HUD recently published new guidance advising PHAs that administer the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program.
Cash Management Requirements
Like the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, HUD controls the...
HUD to Host Two Trainings on the Public Housing Portal’s Waiting List Module
The Public Housing Waiting List module is now open. The module provides PHAs the ability to easily report the total number of families on the PHA waiting lists. HUD will host two training sessions on the new module:...
A new funding opportunity provides up to $1 billion for states and “units of local government with the authority to adopt building energy codes to adopt and implement the latest building energy codes, zero energy building codes, or equivalent codes or standards.” The funding is the latest tranche...
PHAs can apply to EPA’s Community Change Grants Program; funds available for a wide range of purposes
The EPA is accepting applications on a rolling basis for $2 billion in Inflation Reduction Act funding available to support community-driven projects that build capacity for communities to tackle...
PHAs will be able to apply for subgrants in Summer 2024
The U.S. EPA has awarded $600 million to 11 Grantmakers as part of the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grant Program, which will reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next...
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced that beginning in 2024, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will each be able to invest up to $1 billion annually in low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) equity. Additionally, Fannie and Freddie will only make LIHTC investments in projects that waive the...
HUD has awarded Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) renewal funding to 753 Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and Multifamily Property Owners totaling $120 million. The funding will be used to support 1,380 FSS Coordinators around the country. All renewal applicants were granted the full amount for which...
HUD has re-opened the FY 2023 Jobs Plus NOFO to add the anticipated FY 2024 Jobs Plus appropriations of $15 million in funding. This allows HUD to solicit additional applications and to award more Jobs Plus Grants this fiscal year. The due date for new applications is March 12, 2024. Applications...
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has launched a call for proposals under their Systems for Action initiative for two different funding opportunities. These projects will focus on testing innovative approaches for medical care, social services, and public health systems...