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Congratulations to the 60 CLPHA members who received grants through HUD's Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program!
FSS grants help PHAs hire service coordinators who connect residents with local programs and services. In HUD’s press release announcing the awards, Secretary...
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) cut the ribbon on renovations at Richard Flowers Homes, which is part of a 1,225-unit, $200 million HACC rehab project. The project, spanning multiple years and several Chicago suburbs, “is the largest preservation effort the suburbs...
In an article in GOVERNING, "The Unintended Consequences of Smoke-Free Public Housing," Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program officers Emmy Ganos and Matthew Pierce cite the Housing Authority of Cook County's (HACC) 2015 smoke-free policy rollout as an example of a successful implementation...
In yesterday's article "Trust in Public Housing at Stake Over Looming Government Shutdown," YES! Magazine quoted CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman and CLPHA members Kurt Wiest, Bremerton Housing Authority Executive Director, and Mark Gillett, Oklahoma City Housing Authority Executive Director...
Feb. 13, 3:00-4:00 PM ET, #FullyFundHousing
Join CLPHA and the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) for a tweet storm on February 13 from 3:00-4:00 PM ET to urge Congress to avoid another government shutdown and fully fund affordable housing and community...
Encourage Your Members of Congress to Write to Sec. Carson
CLPHA is hosting a member call on Friday, February 22 at 1:00 PM ET to solicit member feedback on the notice of changes to the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) that was published on December 27. A draft of CLPHA’s comments is available...
Fresno news station KSEE24 ran a story about the Fresno Housing Authority’s (FHA) positive impact on the education and school performance of their child residents. Through a data-sharing agreement with the Fresno Unified School District as well as the creation of computer labs, a library, and...
Bank of America (BofA) donated two parcels of land in downtown Charlotte worth $7.25M for the creation of affordable housing developments. The Charlotte Housing Authority, BofA, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, and other property owners will work together to plan the redevelopment of the land...
Washington State lawmakers requested $2.55M from the state’s capital budget to help fund the Yakima Housing Authority’s proposed $17M conversion of a former Marine Corps Reserve armory into housing with supportive services for homeless veterans.
The Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura (HACSB) will partner with local PHAs the Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura and the Oxnard Housing Authority to distribute $400,000 in HUD Mainstream Voucher funds that will help house 45 families in Ventura County.