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Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) CEO and CLPHA Board of Directors Vice President Jeffery K. Patterson was recently featured on ForbesBooksRadio's affordable housing podcast ChangeMakers with Katie Goar. Mr. Patterson discussed CMHA's work not only to increase housing...
November 9, 12, 16 & 19
Six months into the pandemic, the novelty of participating in an all-day virtual conference is wearing thin. You are Zooming out.
We hear you.
CLPHA reimagined the Fall Membership Meeting into a series of short virtual sessions on Mondays...
With mere hours left before the deadline expires at midnight tonight, the U.S. Senate passed HR 8337, the “Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act,” by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 84-10.The bill, continuing funding levels from fiscal year 2020...
Current Bill Maintains Funding for Many Housing Programs from Previous Package
On September 28, House Democrats, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, unveiled a revised HEROES Act, a 2,152-page COVID-19 economic relief authorizing an ...
CLPHA to Advocate for Additional Time and Resources
Today, HUD issued a Federal Register notice outlining its final rule for Section 3 compliance and benchmarking. In April 2019, HUD issued its proposed rule, with an accompanying notice on ...
On September 22, CLPHA and our counsel Reno & Cavanaugh submitted comments to HUD strongly opposing the agency’s transphobic proposed modifications to the Equal Access Rule. The changes would reverse the 2016 portion of the rule that requires homeless service providers to...
CLPHA Concerned Housing Voucher Shortfall at Risk
On September 22, the U.S, House of Representatives passed HR 8337, the “Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act,” by a bipartisan vote of 359-57. The legislation, considered a “continuing resolution” (“CR”) of...
Today, HUD issued two notices in the pre-publication Federal Register on its new Disparate Impact standard and PBV data collection.
Disparate Impact Rule
HUD’s notice on its new final Disparate Impact rule, which HUD made publicly available on its...
Notice PIH-2020-24: Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Funds, Guidance on CARES Act Financial Reporting Requirements (FDS and Quarterly Reporting), and Other CARES Act Provisions
On September 14, HUD released a much anticipated notice, the “FDS CARES Act Reporting...
In today’s Federal Register, HUD published a notice entitled “Streamlining and Implementation of Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act Changes to Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program.” HUD is issuing this notice in response to statutory...