Latest News
CLPHA has been working with our long-time partner the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) on out-of-school time (OST) opportunities for PHA residents, with a particular eye to modifications due to COVID-19. We are pleased to share that we are co-hosting a Professional Learning Community...
We are pleased to announce a new COVID-19 grant opportunity for PHAs as well as the release of a new survey to assess PHAs’ needs in 2021.
Member Needs Survey
Throughout 2020, CLPHA has been working with members to address resident and staff needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic...
From the Toledo Blade:
Fueled by what he called an impressive year in running an “over-regulated, underfunded agency,” during a pandemic, the president of Lucas Metropolitan Housing pledged Tuesday to offer more to public-housing residents in 2021 during what will be a “breakthrough” year for...
Unique Housing Project Eases the Path to Re-Entry for Single Parents (King County Housing Authority)
From Next City:
People who are released from incarceration face unique challenges to participating in society. Returning citizens have no job, little money, and no permanent place to live upon their release. They are sometimes barred from receiving public benefits or accessing public housing....
From the St. Paul Public Housng Agency's newsletter:
On November 1, 2020, 39 new PBV units came online at Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis Dorothy Day Residence, with a 20-year subsidy contract (Housing Assistance Payments; HAP) from the PHA. Completed in the Fall of 2019,...
New Effort Pairs Educators and Housing Advocates to Tackle School Segregation (Elm City Communities)
From The 74:
Seeing how 2020 has become the year of highly unlikely events actually happening, Karen DuBois-Walton, president of the Housing Authority of New Haven in Connecticut, would like to put one more on the table: school integration.
After all, she notes, protests following the police...
From Block Club Chicago:
A long-planned affordable housing complex marketed toward LGBTQ people has opened in Logan Square — about 18 months later than originally planned.
The John Pennycuff Memorial Apartments at 2033 N. Milwaukee Ave. brings 41 affordable housing units and 47 Chicago...
From WBEZ Chicago:
Ms. B’s Kitchen and Catering in the North Lawndale neighborhood sells Chicago-style favorites like pizza puffs. On other days of the week, owner Tawanda Stange cooks comfort food, everything from pot roast to oxtails to gumbo. Her Sunday Soul Food menu includes baked chicken,...
From ABC 7 News:
El Sereno community leaders and Caltrans have partnered with the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles to help a group of homeless activists in the area.
The group known as Reclaiming Our Homes started illegally occupying the Caltrans-owned homes in March.