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3.10.21 Members Making News
From the Chicago Sun Times: A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the need for government officials to make it easier especially for older people to access vaccine appointments, the online competition being unworkable for many of them. That’s before you even get to mobility issues. One...
3.10.21 Members Making News
From the Sacramento Bee: As part of a national effort to save low-income renters from eviction, Sacramento city and county officials on Thursday will make nearly $100 million in free rent assistance grants available to help pay for past-due rent and utility bills during the COVID-19 pandemic. The...
3.10.21 Members Making News
From InsiderNJ: Mayor Steven M. Fulop announced today a new partnership between AeroFarms, the world leader in vertical farming, and the Jersey City Housing Authority (JCHA) with a resolution going before the Jersey City Municipal Council this week to provide free, nutritious...
3.10.21 Report
IDENTIFYING AREAS FOR PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITIES TO EXPAND PANDEMIC-RELATED RESOURCES In order to identify and address COVID-19 needs and ongoing priorities for our PHA members, CLPHA conducted a survey in January 2021. The survey received responses from 35 of our PHA members, who provided data...
3.10.21 Statement
Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA  (202) 550-1381   For Immediate Release March 10, 2021     (Washington, D.C.) March 10, 2021 – Sunia Zaterman, executive director of the Council of Large...
3.9.21 CLPHA Member Update, Analysis
Over $41 Billion Provided for Housing Programs On March 6, the U.S. Senate passed H.R. 1319, an unprecedented, far-reaching, $1.9 trillion emergency funding and authorization recovery legislation providing desperately needed relief for people impacted by the pandemic, entitled the “...
3.5.21 CLPHA Member Update
On Thursday, March 4, CLPHA hosted a call for members to review a proposed rule on the NSPIRE demonstration and changes to inspection standards. HUD is proposing a consolidation of requirements for property conditions into a single regulation and other regulatory...
3.4.21 Statement
Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA  (202) 550-1381   For Immediate Release March 4, 2021     (Washington, D.C.) March 4, 2021 – Sunia...
3.3.21 Report, CLPHA Member Update
This week the NYU Furman Center, Housing Initiative at Penn, and the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) released recommendations for “Advancing Racial Equity in Emergency Rental Assistance Programs,” based on a report co-authored by the...
3.1.21 CLPHA Advocacy
Today, CLPHA, LeadingAge, the National Affordable Housing Management Association, the National Leased Housing Association, and the Public Housing Authorities Directors Association sent a letter to HUD, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the White House...

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