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2.24.21 Members Making News
From Evanston Now: For 65-year old Joy Horton, the chance to get a COVID-19 vaccination “just dropped out of the sky” for her and for other residents of the Victor Walchirk Apartments in Evanston today. The building, on Noyes Court, is a senior citizens’ affordable housing residence, operated by...
2.24.21 Members Making News
From the District of Columbia Housing Authority's press release: District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) Executive Director Tyrone Garrett is proud to be working with Johns Hopkins Health System (JHSS) and Johns Hopkins Medicine (JHM), thanks to its partnership with D.C. Department of Health...
2.24.21 Members Making News
From the Yonkers Times: Progress is being made in the efforts to vaccinate Yonkers residents and residents throughout Westchester, with the COVID-19 vaccine. Pictured avbove is Eduviges Aquinio, a resident of Flynn Manor, was the first senior to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The Municipal Housing...
2.24.21 Members Making News
From the Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency's newsletter: Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency announces it will administer a new round of federal and state funds allocated to the City of Sacramento to help low income renters catch up on past due rent and utility payments due to...
2.24.21 Members Making News
From the Hudson Reporter: More than 1,600 low-income households in Jersey City will receive rent relief and utility assistance through the Jersey City COVID-19 Hardship Assistance Program, according to Mayor Steven Fulop and the Jersey City Economic Development Corporation. According to the...
2.24.21 Members Making News
From the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman:  Alaska Housing Finance Corporation launched a new rental relief and utility assistance program for renters across the state that have been negatively affected by COVID-19 Feb 16. “I think it’s really critically important for Alaskans,” Alaska Housing...
2.23.21 CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Advocacy
Following a February 12 call with members to receive feedback on what CARES Act waivers should be extended or made permanent, CLPHA has shared its recommendations with HUD. We urge HUD to extend all CARES Act waivers at a minimum through December 2021, and make the following waivers permanent:...
2.23.21 CLPHA Member Update, Analysis
Yesterday, February 22, 2021, the U.S. Department of the Treasury released the much anticipated updated FAQs for the $25 billion in Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) provided for in the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act. We are pleased to see that many of the ...
2.22.21 CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA has just been informed that updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) have been posted on the U.S. Department of the Treasury's website. As a reminder, the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act established the ERAP, administered by the...
2.16.21 CLPHA Member Update
From the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: The CDC will hold a virtual National Forum on the COVID-19 vaccine on February 22–24. The Forum will bring together practitioners and community members from national, state, tribal, local, and territorial levels who can champion...

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