Log In

It’s easy for CLPHA members to create an account on CLPHA.org!

  1. Click the tab titled “Create New Account
  2. Enter your account information
    NOTE: You must use your housing authority email address to create an account
  3. Click the "Create New Account” button

Forgot your password? Click the "Request New Password" tab above, enter the email address associated with your account, and our system will email you a link to reset your password. If you do not receive an email with a reset password link within a few minutes, please check your spam filter. 

Questions? Email clpha@clpha.org (link sends e-mail)

Sorry, this content is only available to members.

If you're a member of CLPHA, please click here to log in.

If you have not created your CLPHA.org account, it’s easy to create one. Click here for step-by-step instructions.

You can also click here to watch a webinar site tour (link is external) that shows CLPHA members how to create website accounts for themselves and provides an overview of the site's functionality.

Otherwise, we invite you to learn more about the many benefits of CLPHA membership.