July 27, 2020: CLPHA COVID-19 Member Call Agenda 




CLPHA is hosting weekly calls with PHAs on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. ET throughout the nationwide COVID-19 pandemic response.  We keep our COVID-19 Member Updates & Resources Page (CLPHA.org/COVID19) updated with call summaries and notes, along with other useful resources. 


Monday, July 27 at 1:00 p.m. ET (10:00 a.m. PT) 

Call-In Information: 877-860-3058, 836425# 

Notes: All participants will be placed in listen-only mode (muted) at the outset. 
Speakers may press *6 to unmute themselves.  


  • CLPHA Updates (20 min, end 1:20 pm ET) 
    • Member Communications 
      • Steve Lucas, Health Research & Policy Manager, CLPHA (slucas@clpha.org) 
      • Emily Warren, Research & Policy Manager, CLPHA (ewarren@clpha.org) 
      • Joshua Shokoor, Research and Policy Analyst, CLPHA (jshokoor@clpha.org) 
    • Updates from Washington 
      • Sunia Zaterman, Executive Director, CLPHA (szaterman@clpha.org)  
      • Gerard Holder, Legislative Director, CLPHA (gholder@clpha.org) 
  • PHA Perspectives: Internet Access (15 min, end 1:35pm) 
    • Lenita Wheeler, Director of Family & Community Partnerships, Oakland Housing Authority (lwheeler@oakha.org) 
    • LaToya McCrea, Director of Community, Economic and Development, Elm City Communities (lmccrea@elmcitycommunities.org) 
  • Open Forum (23 min, end 1:58 pm) 
  • Wrap Up (2 min, end 2:00 pm)


After the Call 

Share Cost Impacts with Us: To help us understand what resources you need, we ask that you complete this form, which asks about costs for staffing, equipment, and lost rent revenue.   

Send Questions to Us: To facilitate sharing of information among CLPHA staff and members about various issues related to COVID-19, CLPHA has created a Google document. The document is accessible only to those with a link and is free to be viewed and edited by members. If you have questions about a specific HUD waiver, guidance you would like to see from HUD, or wish to share or find information about current practices being used by other CLPHA members, we invite you to view and edit this document. 

Stay Updated: Consult CLPHA’s members-only COVID-19 landing page (CLPHA.org/COVID19), which is being kept current with the latest guidance, resources, and call summaries/notes. 

Share Your Insights: Email us at clpha@clpha.org to tell us if you would like to present on an upcoming COVID-19 call. We will be holding calls every Monday. 

Sorry, this content is only available to members.

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If you have not created your CLPHA.org account, it’s easy to create one. Click here for step-by-step instructions.

You can also click here to watch a webinar site tour that shows CLPHA members how to create website accounts for themselves and provides an overview of the site's functionality.

Otherwise, we invite you to learn more about the many benefits of CLPHA membership.